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"This is a bad idea." Billie murmurs disapprovingly.

"Come on, it's been so long since I have last gone to the movies. Besides, you barely go out. Every time I indicate a night activity you're always busy."

She picks up a slice of the cafeteria's awful pizza and shrugs, clearly not interested in what I'm suggesting.

"Look. Damien just got here and he's probably feeling lonely. A night out would be a great thing for all of us.", I plead.

She stares at me from the corner of her eyes before biting on her food again.

"Whatever. Lily can come too."

Oh no...

"I mean...sure. Okay.", I put on my poker face before sighing dramatically.

"You don't like her that much do you?"

I bite on my apple before shaking my head dismissively.

"She used to be my friend. Then she agreed with the others on some not-so-great things about you. So I stopped talking to her. Because you know.", I pause before pointing at her, " I chose you."

She grins adorably before leaving a slice of pizza on my own plate. "Thanks babe."

I almost spit my orange juice right there and then.

Did she just call me...?

"Hey, easy there, you're going to choke. Take a breath.", her smirk is once again as adorable as annoying.

"Why would you call me that?", I spit out still shocked.

"Just because. Why do you make such a big deal out of it? We're FWB anyway. I'm not hitting on you. Chill.", she keeps eating, completely untouched by my reaction.

"We're what?"

"FWB. Friends with benefits. No?', she rolls her eyes. "You're the one who needs to start going to the movies. How don't you know what FWB is?"

I gulp audibly before composing myself.

"Is that what we are?"

She chuckles, amused. "Platonic friends don't go suggesting making out sessions with their friends. We've passed that stage. I even got my shirt off and shit.", she sips on her drink, then stretches her hands behind her chair.

I blush furiously, my face feels and probably looks so red.

You did suggest those sessions. Don't go all shy now.
She's probably practicing everything with you. She wants Lily.

I sigh. She surely has done this FWB thing with several girls before. She's just messing around. I'm about to be heartbroken and I don't even want to stop the process. We haven't kissed since that night in my bedroom, but even the thought of kissing her again makes everything worth the risk.


And here we are. On a...double date?

Lily and Damien agreed to watch "Charlie's Angels" with us, so we all took the opportunity to relax a little bit.

"That was awful." Billie exclaims, when we finally get out of the cinema.

"Come on it wasn't that bad. The cast was pretty fine.", Damien tries, but it's obvious that no one is going to change Billie's mind.

"Whatever, I've watched better. Wanna go grab some dinner? It's already 9 pm.", Lily suggests.

We all agree since no one had anything during the movie so we're all hungry.

"I love this place. I used to come when I was a kid. Their chicken is fantastic.", Lily smiles when we enter the first fast food place we reach.

"I'm a vegetarian.", Damien confesses.

"Oh, that's a shame. You're missing out.", Billie responds in a weird tone.

She doesn't like him.

"I don't think so. There are plenty of food kinds, I manage just fine.", he winks at her and giggles.

What the...?

Billie throws him a glance but doesn't respond this time.

We find a table and sit before grabbing the menus to order something.

"I'll have a steak or something.", I mumble dismissively before putting the menu back down.

"Aren't you hungry Keneston?", Billie wonders, "I've already picked like six things I want to eat."

"Of course you have. You've got the appetite of an elephant."

Damien and Lily laugh at the comment and Billie just shrugs, accepting the truth.

"I'll go wash my hands before eating. Order for me.", I pass the menu to Damien and get up from the table to go to the bathroom.

I've just finished drying my skin when the bathroom door opens and Billie is approaching me with a challenging smile on her face.

"What the hell? You could wait for five minutes. Didn't they find it weird that you practically followed me?", I ask, a slight increase of panic washing through me.

"Don't worry Keneston. You don't pass for a lesbian anyway."

She pushes me to the nearest wall before entirely trapping my body with hers. My breath hitches and I don't know if I want to go back or just close my eyes and see what happens.

"What...what are you doing?", I whisper, trying to sound normal.

"I haven't had the chance to kiss you since that night. So I took the opportunity.", she simply states, as if kissing me is a good habit of hers.

"Anyone could come in.", I protest, but her face is already so close that I can't even fight her anymore.

She attacks me abruptly and I gasp as her mouth finds mine harshly. She isn't holding back this time, probably persuaded that no one is going to walk in and catch us.
The feeling of her lips erases each and every one of my thoughts and suddenly I'm kissing her back with the same force, not caring where this is going.

My stupid feelings led me to this mess and now I can't get out of it even though I know I'm going to get hurt eventually. Because I'm the one who's caught feelings after all. She's only practicing her kissing skills or whatever bullshit I told her we were doing that night.

I sigh in disappointment and kiss her even harsher, needing to stop thinking everything that has to do with out stupid experiment.

I don't know how much time we stay like that, glued to each other, leaning on a bathroom wall and kissing like we won't be able to kiss ever again, but when the bathroom door opens and our bubble is burst, Billie pulls away from me in a quick movement.

A woman walks in and stares at us in shock for a few moments before composing herself. Shaking her head and getting her lipstick out of her bag, she completely ignores us.

What the hell were you thinking?

Oh, my God. I just made out with Billie Eilish. In a public bathroom.

And the worst?

I absolutely loved every second of it.

Sorry for not updating for literally AGES but I don't have timeeeee🤧🤧

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