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I fall in my bed, completely and absolutely ecstatic. We're together. We're actually together.

"Where have you been?"

Maya is standing next to my open door, a curious look on her face.

"Why are you still awake?", I whisper, panicked.

"Because I was in the bathroom. Now, where have you been?"

"Oh, you know. Just outside.", I mutter quickly, hoping she'll drop the subject.

She eyes me up and down and approaches me slowly, sitting beside me on the bed.

"Something's changed.", she notes.

I practically hide underneath my blanket, blushing furiously. "What's changed?"

"Don't play dumb. Something happened to you. Something good.", her smirk reveals that she knows more than I want her to. "Besides, it's two a.m and you just came home. I'm not telling mom, but you have to spill."

I huff in annoyance. She always finds a way to make me spill everything to her. "Fine, whatever. I was with Billie Eilish. Happy?"

She blinks slowly and then smiles widely. "Yes, very. I was right once again. You're totally into her sis."

I can't even deny it anymore, so I just nod my head in agreement.

"Wait, seriously? You're not even going to deny it?", she looks so surprised that it's offending.

"Nah, why should I? It's just the truth."

She pauses for a long moment before she finds her voice again. "Oh my God this is really happening! My sister is transforming into a full-time lesbian!", she grins and claps her hands overly excited.

"A full-time lesbian? Gosh, how do you even come up with these?"

But she doesn't hear a word, because she's having a fiesta all by herself.
Eventually, after making me tell her all about how the night went, she leaves my room to go back to sleep, but not before lecturing me about everything a <<full-time lesbian>> should be doing.

Thinking about the night again, I giggle, my face buried in my pillow. The situation couldn't have been better.

I've returned home from the trailer and even though it's almost two am, I'm sure there's no way I'm sleeping after what I've been through today. My brain is fully awake and I hope my mother didn't hear either me coming up the stairs nor my sister freaking out about my new relationship status.

I wonder what's Billie doing right now.
I didn't want to leave her, but I had to. I couldn't stay the night, even though she asked me to.

I pick up my phone and dial her number, knowing she's awake. I'm probably so much more whipped than I should be, but I don't care.

"Miss me already?", she immediately replies.

"Yeah, actually I do.", I answer with no shame.

I hear her giggling softly before exhaling slowly. "I missed you too."

My heart starts beating even faster than it was ten seconds ago, and I'm sure feeling this way all the time must be somewhat unhealthy. As If I care.

"I don't want to sleep yet. Talk to me.", I murmur as quietly as I can, since I can't wake up my mother or Maya.

"Okay. What do you want me to say?"

I turn around and hug a pillow in my chest, before curling entirety around it. "I don't know. Anything. Couples are supposed to communicate."

"Is that what we are?"

I blush, realizing what I just said. What if I've misinterpreted things? What if she's not ready for a relationship?

"I...I guess I'm being too straight forward right now huh?", I awkwardly reply.

She chuckles through the line and I exhale in relief.

"If that's what you want us to be..."

"And what do you want?", I ask instantly, sort of scared of her answer.

"I want you. I don't care how you want to call it, I just want you."

I try to remain calm, but her answer doesn't leave me unaffected and my voice comes out shaky.
"I want you too Rainbow."

I'm rewarded by her instant gasp and I grin in satisfaction. We're both on the same page now.

"It's good to hear that.", she finally mumbles.

This is short and bad and just some fluff, but I only found some time and inspiration at 3:00 in the morning. Love ya xoxo

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