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Sometimes when someone does something out of the standards of this crappy school, things happen.

First of all, everyone knows what happened by the time the first period ends.
I don't know how it happens. It just does. So first you get the creepy stares and glances.
Then, extra rumors about the subject start spreading all over the school.
You can't avoid it. You just can't. Even if the person who the rumor is about, clarifies it's not true, no one really cares.

I already know what will happen when I enter the school gate.
Whispers. Glances. Disgusted intense stares.

When I do enter the gate, nothing happens.
I expected many things, but not this silence.
No one is looking at me. No one is whispering.

I look around suspiciously and start walking towards my usual table.
My friends are all there. Sitting quietly. Like everything is completely normal.

"Good morning.", Tanner almost whispers.

I sit down and look at my friends. Lily is quietly eating a salad, while Sarah is studying for the first period.
Bradley is not in the table. Where is he?

"Why are you all like this?"

Lily raises her head and looks at me. "I am so sorry Jade. I didn't know...you..you know."

"You didn't know what?"

"That you prefer girls. You know, you could've just told us.", Sarah interrupts.

My jaw locks in shock. "I am not a lesbian oh my God! Who the fuck told you that? Bradley? You should have known he's lying like always."

"Are you sure? He told me he saw Billie Eilish crying or something and he assumed that you guys broke up.", Tanner says.

"We were never together for god's sake! We were just partners in this damn assignment!", I gasp. "How could he say something like that when he doesn't know shit?"

"I don't know Jade. He seemed very convinced that you two were a couple.", Lily sighs.

"Well, we weren't, we aren't and we won't be together because I am straight! Okay?", I clarify. " I don't know where he got that idea."

"If you say so, we believe you.", Sarah comments.

"Where is Brad?", I ask. "I need to clear things up with him."

"He didn't show up today. He's probably skipping school again.", Tanner says.

"Where did he see Billie? I need to apologize to her. I kind of made her feel bad. I tried calling her but I think she has a new phone number.", I sigh.

The girl was crying. I didn't make her feel " kind of" bad. She was probably really hurt by my stupid actions.

"I have no idea. I don't think anyone knows where she lives. She skipped school too so you won't find her here.", Lily notes. "And Jade... I am sorry. The whole situation at the party was all my fault. I shouldn't have sent you to Ken Parker. I was a coward, I could just go by myself."

"No, Lily don't apologize. Of course it's not your fault. I offered to help you and I don't regret it even if all this shit happened.", I caress her back softly to confront her.
She smiles weakly but I can see she's still feeling bad.

"You should call Brad after school. Talk to him about what he did and then ask him about Billie. I don't know what went wrong between you two, but it seemed like she opened up to you. You shouldn't ruin what you guys had, whatever that was.", Tanner suggests.

I nod in agreement. That's exactly what I need to do.

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