Chapter 3 - Paradise

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"Aubrey, open up" Noah screaming from outside, "Its Lee and Noah".

I opened up and let them in. They brought a bottle of vodka and some cannabis.

Liam asked "You doing good?"

I responded with a maybe and jumped back onto the bed. In a loud silence Liam lit a spliff and we started smoking. We started talking about our problems and smoking and drinking. For the first time ever, Liam, the bad ass amongst us all confessed his problems. The poor kid had his heart broken by a girl named Juliet. I hadn't listened to all the problems because I clouded my mind with the high and washed down my tears in alcohol. Unexpectedly we knocked out, and the night went by. In the morning, we all woke up hung-over and in no condition to drive so we decide to stay until midday. I walked out to the kiosk to get some breakfast, and a table behind blinds I spot Emma and walk towards her. She has her book in her hand and she made a house out of her waffles.

"I hope you slept well" I said to her.

She completely ignored me but in my mind she probably didn't hear me so I repeated. She cut my sentence saying

"Hey do you mind, I'm reading", and I was puzzled.

How is it that last night she was spoke to me and today she is as cold as an iceberg?

"Dude what's your problem?" I asked.

She responded "My problem is you, you are my problem. Can't you see I'm trying to read?" as soon as she said that I stood up and left.

I raced back to my room and woke the guys up, "Guys, wake up, let's go".

We ambled towards the car to find Emma waiting for us. I walked to the other side of the car without looking at her and got in the front passenger seat. As she got in, I started wondering again why she was here. She doesn't know where we are going, she doesn't know us and all we knew about her is the fact that she carries a big brown bag.

"Where to next?" she asked Noah and he responded "Don't worry, just enjoy the road".

As we driving out of the guest house she opened her bag and took out a button bag with colourful pills. Those looked happy, most if not all of them had smiley faces. She looked at me and smiled and I looked away immediately as I was still mad at her for whatever reason I don't remember. She offered everyone the car a pill each. Liam gave her a strong yes obviously, and Noah had the best excuse which didn't work. Liam and Noah agreed to take the pill and I was left in the danger zone.

They say how you win some

Lose some, we have to let the good ones go

That's why I pour a little liquor

Every time I let the good times roll

And yeah I roll

Just to forget that it hurts

I asked what it is, "E..." and she cut me with a response.

"It will make you feel better, happier and you'll forget about everything life has thrown your way" she said.

Heaven knows I needed to stop thinking because I was suffocating myself with the worst of conclusions I could come with. I took one, and looked back at the road. I started overthinking again "Why isn't this working, it's probably vitamins". Right after I said that everything changed immediately. I started feeling happy, think about the word happy and how people use it. That's not the happy I felt. The happy I felt is beautiful, warm and free, the best feeling I've felt ever. All of a sudden the world became perfect, I looked outside my window and the grass was waving in patterns, I listened to music and realised the beauty of a sound and its connection to the heart, and my feelings, they were greatly enhanced. Noah pulled over and we all exited the car with the best mood we've ever had since the trip began. I felt absolutely clean inside with a great delight of loving, it gave me a glimpse of what I have been seeking, and it gave me happiness. We started running towards grass, rolling over, laughing, playing and I felt like I was flying, just levitating over my problems without having to deal with them. "Euphoric", yes, that's the word to describe it. Everything you imagined happiness would feel like, multiply it by a lifetime, that's where it took me. I started moving, flowing, just experiencing the melody of the wind breathe upon life. It felt magical, it was worst decision with the best experience ever at this point. After enjoying nature we all headed back to the car feeling cool, calm and collected. I felt a penumbra of spirits within me reaching for the stars and actually rising beyond them. As soon as we got in the car we all slept, everyone felt tired. When I woke up Noah was driving but the other two were still dozed off. My chest felt heavier than it was before, I needed to cleanse and I was thirsty as fuck.

"Hey, you good?" I asked Noah

"Yeah I'm good".

It was getting dark outside and we needed to stop for something to eat. I told Noah and he drove to the nearest food stop. The drive towards the food store felt like we were on a Loners Blvd, I asked myself if I still wanted to dream even if dreams are illusions that always disappoint me for a lesson I need to seek within the disappointment. I felt almost depressed and had thought of opening the door while the car was moving.

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