Chapter 12 - Damn It

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"What have you been up to?" Noah asked Emma.

She just smiled, looked at me and had a slight smirk, but her expression changed from happy to annoyed. I looked around and Anita was walking towards us. Why the fuck was she annoyed? She got to have sex with Anita. Emma stared at her in despair and rushed into the car and just stared creepily at the windscreen.

"Where you heading?", she asked breaking the silence.

"I don't know, wherever the road takes us that way" I responded pointing towards the forest road.

"I'm really sorry about the other morning" she said.

"It's okay, it's not like there was something going on between us" I said.

I kissed her on the forehead and got into the car in hopes of never seeing her again. We took off and restarted the playlist. Noah suggested we play a corny road game because apparently the game of silence sucks. With Noah driving he was a bit safe because we started playing "Never have I ever" and people get really drunk. But we added a rule that whatever we haven't done has to be done before we end the trip.

"Never have I ever, had a one night stand" said Noah and the rest of us took shots, stared at one another and laughed a cacophony.

"Me now, never have I ever lied about myself to get laid" said Liam and he took the shot too, weirdly and the laughs continued.

"Uh, never have I ever cried after watching titanic" said Emma. She had us by the nuts because we watched the movie and we knew we cried. How could you not cry when Jack died? Jack died after we got attached to his character, gosh darn it. We all took the shot, Noah included.

"Never have I ever sang a Justin Bieber song in the shower" and Noah and I stared at Liam. Emma didn't know what was going but she drank up. Liam is a fan of Justin Bieber, particularly his worst song "Baby".

He took two extra shots, one for embarrassment and the rest for being a dumb ass. The game went on for an hour with Emma having taken the lead and Liam two shots behind her. By the end of the game Noah had to babysit us and I'm never drinking that much gin shots again. 3AM wasted right before sunset is something else, holding hands before night time feels darn good.

"Do we wanna watch the sunset?" asked Emma.

"Nah, too wasted its useless" responded Liam.

Liam drove on and on but the rest of us slept for a while. Eventually I woke up with Emma sleeping on my chest and it was dark outside and Liam still pretty passed. Emma woke up after I did, and opened her book and wrote something. Still a bit tipsy, I sang along the on the radio when Noah raised a problem. We had about two thousand left and it may or may not have been able to have brought us back. So we had to come up with a plan quick, so we decided to camp at the beach for the night, which was pretty much illegal but we had bigger problems. I charged my phone hoping that there would be cell reception but there wasn't. The plan was to ask our moms for some money and maybe Emma could contribute something other than drugs. We crossed the road to gather some wood to start a fire, we got pulled out three sleeping bags. Liam and Noah agreed to sleep together because any other way would be weird. Fuck it was freezing, and luckily we still had a few bottles left and some chips and maybe that could cover the hunger and it did. Liam got his bongos out of the car trunk for entertainment, the night was still young and these things get boring. He started by playing some songs we knew, and we on all night creating our own songs. Emma videotaped the whole night on my phone for, but she suddenly she became quiet and far gone.

So lie to me, lie to me, and lie to me

So sweet, baby ignorance is bliss

Yeah I know exactly what this is

Just tell me that the pussy is mine

She stood up, dropped my phone in the sand and started walking away on the coastline. The dumbass I am just sat there and watched her walk, which made Noah so mad.

"Why the fuck you still sitting here vro?" asked Noah trying to keeping calm with his forehead muscle pumping hard.

"I don't know vro, I think she needs her space"

"Headass, go. Follow her. Ask her what's up because it's prolly about you" exclaimed Noah.

I got up and ran following her, a slow jog to think about what I was going to say to her. When I got to her, she turned and started shouting and beating on my chest...

"What happens after this? I've fallen for a stranger who is inconsiderate of my heart! I'm sorry for all I put you through even though you started it! How do I know that the thing that happened with Anita won't happen again? How do I know if we make this real you won't runoff with the next new girl you see? Dude you got messed up! I've been doing shit I've never done before and been both happy and sad without and still wouldn't change a thing. I really like you but I hate you at the same time!"

I was speechless, stood there dumbfounded but then figured I had to do something, or say something but I couldn't say anything about it. While I was processing this she shed a tear and it worried me. I didn't want to promise her anything neither did I want to lie to her so I reached for her hand and right as I held it she pulled away and started crying. I hate being the villain but I also hate lying because I wasn't sure if we were ever going to meet again. I pulled her in for a hug, and while she cried in my arms I need deep down I felt the way she did but I was too bitchy to say it. We starting walking back to Noah and Liam slow, I was thinking about what could've been and she was trying to stop the tears. We got back to a cosy Noah in Liam's arms sitting, staring at the stars, talking about anything not stressful.

"I think we should go back tomorrow morning guys, please" as I got into my sleeping bag and joined them at stargazing.

"Yeah, I think so too" said Liam. He sighed and passed the bottle and from that point we sat in peace drinking.

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