Chapter 4 - Cleanse Dip

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"Look, we all got problems. And some of us don't allow it to affect people that weren't involved, okay?" Liam said.

This is the first time I've ever heard him speak sense and right before I could enjoy the maturation of Liam, Emma whispered

"I'm sorry".

With those two words I thought to myself maybe her problems were bigger than mine, maybe her parents are bigger dicks than my dad, or father, better yet "him".

"I write music when I'm sad, what do you do?", I didn't have to ask her this but it felt right.

"... It isn't my biggest talent but it does calm me down".

She looked at me for a few seconds, just enough for me to realise the coral of her eyes, she had tears waiting to slide down the glaciers of her face. She had me as a hostage, lost in her dreamy eyes. I wanted to be alone with her so that I could gaze upon her soul. I was unsure of what to do, but it felt right just to notice her eye texture and listen to the problems spoken by her sad tears.

"I sing".

I've always known that music is the only soulful enchantment with the ability to speak our feelings for us, especially those of which we cannot express. She then left with Noah to get food from the diner.

"You finna smoke?" asked Liam, I nodded and hopped out the car.

Liam and I started having our first deep conversation, one of which included our dreams. This was sad and awakening realising that we both weren't happy following in the dreams our parents put out for us, just living in the shadows and allowing them to be the puppet masters of the strings we dance to. I'm tired of strings, I just want to be free, free enough to live my own life. I want to live up to my own expectations, my goals, I want to make it my chase.

 As Liam spoke about how his parents' divorce messed him I sank into a white noise, envisioning the peace I have in my dreams than reality. Feel this, feel the pain of your heart dividing itself into different emotions and you cutting out all the pain and depression. All the pain you're feeling, I felt in that white noise then realised that maybe all the pain and suffering were going to be worth it. Maybe in this life, only a few were blessed enough to be able to reach their dreams while the rest of us are stuck with office jobs.

 Floating on the cloud of emotions, I noticed Liam shed a tear. I felt the pain he was feeling not even later I started crying too. I felt the creep of reality awakening my mind through a painful series of dark thoughts, I was in the deep end again. Soon after Emma and Noah walked out of the diner with bags of food and I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and proceeded towards the car. It was my turn to drive, and Emma decided to sit on the passenger seat.

 What way a way to create awkwardness but then again we have our moments, at least we've had two moments since we've met. We all ate and shared some stories of happy moments in our lives. With all the drama she put us through and her crappy attitude, her smile is beautiful and I wouldn't change a thing. We had to get going so I finished up and started driving.

Tell me how it feels, sitting up there

Feeling so high, does it ever get lonely?

You know I'm the one who put you up there

Name in the sky, but too far away to hold me

"Where are you from?"

"Atlantis, you?"

"I'm from Eland, Liam is from Upton and Noah is Normandy. But we're all at college so we only meet on holidays"

"I've never had friends so I don't see people a lot, I do have one best friend and she has a boyfriend so she doesn't have much time for me. My parents always force me into uncomfortable situations with weird guys, clearly they don't know my taste"

"At least I have these guys, they keep me sane. I'd rather chill with them than to be at home. All my parents do nowadays is controlling my dreams and that shit sucks"

"Yeah, well, I do what I want to. My art is all I care for"

Liam and Noah were asleep while we were having this chat, it was weirdly good. It made me think of so much like why so much shit happens yet there is a God somewhere. As I was driving my eyes got caught at a sight of a dam and I felt an urge to cleanse my body, so I decided to pull over for a quick swim. I woke Liam and Noah up to go as an invitation for them to join us. I don't think it was meant for swimming but I went for it anyways, I needed to feel alive for a second or minute, and sometimes it takes danger to feel alive.

 First dip was by Liam, Liam stripped down half naked and clearly Emma was looking at him, Look at her staring at him (fuck you Liam). Liam then jumped in shortly after stripping like some fucken centaur of a kind. I was going to let Liam be the last thing on Emma's mind so I stripped down too. I tried to make it smooth but I wasn't kidding nobody. I made it look dorky, hella dorky. I did have one thing that he didn't have though, I had body tone and that was a win for men so it was a win for me. I jumped into the dam and damn it was soul cleansing, the water were neither too warm nor too cold, it felt like a cosy blanket under a waterfall of blues. Emma started... she lost the curtains that held her bodies image hidden, too be truthful it felt like a careless whisper. 

The cropped top she wore underneath spoke volumes of her felicity, belly soft as jelly. As she removed the top her perky breasts were welled high, plum truly. Thighs as thick as pleasantly bearable with fairness concavity meeting her knees. Such blissfulness is thundering to view but sensational to app... she's getting naked, wow. I ought myself not to peak at a strangers body but I could not help notice how comfortable she is in her gaunt, hypnotised by the fact that she showed no fear but trusted guys she hasn't known for long. 

Though she just stood there naked, with Noah standing beside her fully clothed, she did not come in. Noah got naked too, well he had no choice because he does not wear underwear and I do not understand why. He ran on pier and jumped into the dam, he junk was just flying all over, oh wow. I took my boxers off and threw it on the bank and Liam followed, got naked too, maybe that would let her enter. She then joined, we start swimming around in circles, getting lost in water, played water tag, we raced as teams, and that was really cheerful. 

It was a way of forgetting a lot of shit because laughs were shared and childishness overrode the heart and finally we felt happy. When we started playing marco polo something weird happened. As my eyes were shut and I was wading through the water shouting "marco". I heard slurps weirdly but I just figured it was the water. I had a moment of weakness and decided to take a quick peak. What the fuck is going on? Such madness unexpectedly, like what even, how, why? I rushed out of the dam, got redressed and ran towards the car for some time out. I couldn't believe what I had seen, I just sat there thinking about this. How the fuck did this even happen?

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