Chapter 16 - Starry Room

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Weeks after getting home without hearing from either Anita or Emma, it was finally a night out with the bros after that terrible trip. We all were living together by then but being inside was different because they were together and I felt like the roommate third wheel like Ted Mosby if Marshall and Lily were to gay dudes. Besides 'Teo had a neon party that night and everybody loves neon parties so the whole campus was pretty much going to be there. I cleaned up good because I need to get over the road trip so I went to the party expecting with all my pocket money and credit cards. The guys started a short prayer before we left which they intended as a joke but I was really feeling it. We got to place which had a long line outside of people waiting to go in but luckily we knew 'Teo so we walked in like it was nobody's business and I felt pretty good. In the entrance there are girls handing out starter kits, a small bag with three pills. Ecstasy, xanax and Adderall, the best pack to start a party but I didn't take none of it because I was out on a mission. The room would get you high enough, the lights were too electric and changed my whole mood. I stood on one side waiting for to see the right girl and then boom! She was dancing alone on the dance floor carelessly then I walked over to her, held her waist and started dancing. I popped the "e" and starting dancing with her, and the starry room started a mad trip. With different colour lights flashing my head started spinning and I went to sit down for a while. Someone handed me a bottle of water and I looked up... it was Emma smiling shyly dressed up perfectly with her skirt and boots. I had never been happier to see anyone ever so I pulled on my lap and started kissing her. We spoke and caught up on the shit over the few weeks. Noah and Liam came over holding hands and were surprised to see Emma there with me. She got up to hug Liam but things were still a bit shaky between her and Noah so they had an uncomfortable stare first then they hugged.

"Hey I'm going to the bathroom real quick" she said.

Bring your love baby, I could bring my shame

Bring the drugs baby, I could bring my pain

I got my heart right here

I got my scars right here

I got about seven vodka shots and got some ecstasy from the bartender or mixologist. I turned around and walked towards where I was to an absent Emma so I waited shakily for about ten seconds which felt so long. I got hyped by ASAP Rocky and went to the stage for some dancing, and my biggest regret was taking two "e" pills instead of some acid. As I was moving around waving my hands in the air this girl in checked red shirt came up to me and we started kissing before I could see who she was. She pulled back and held the side of my cheeks and said...

"I love you, Aubrey"

"I love you too" I responded.

I looked up at her only to find that it was Anita and the night just spiralled down so fast. I was so high I pulled away from her and right when I could get my balance, the starry room became a blur, a beautiful blur. I walked through the audience with the worst warp vision trying to get outside for some air. When I got outside I caught my second wind but I could not go back in, instead I walked back to the apartment. When I got there it was already open so I headed in and closed the door and laid on the sofa. I thought about both Emma and Anita. I started thinking about how they both knew to be there and why, then I heard a knock on the door. When I got to the door I saw the most beautiful smile and it said...


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