Chapter 10 - Unthinkable

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We got back and we all got back to a rooms to freshen up before our movie session. As we were walking up the stairs, Emma looks back at me and says...

"If you have something to say, you should say it right now"

She didn't even look forward again after saying and the worst part is we were walking up stairs. I shook my head and continued to the room, I forgot we were sharing a room which was weird but okay. She went into the bathroom while I went to take a nap. Later, someone knocks on the door and I went to open up. Noah and Liam were carrying the bags of food and a pack of weed, which made me wonder whether we drove up with the weed or they just bought it. Emma wasn't in the room, neither was she in the bathroom so I went out to look for her, maybe at the diner or store. I couldn't help but notice down the passage, Anita was smoking so I walked towards her and standing next to her is Emma. This couldn't be anymore awkward but then again, I remembered everything I said about Anita to Emma and I'd be in deep shit if she found out.

"Hey guys, what's going on here?"

"Emma came over to introduce herself but we were heading back to the room now"

"Okay cool"

Emma game this evil look and air humped as we were walking back to the room, she's funny like that and she turned me on in a way. We got back in the room, Emma and Anita hopped on one bed and Noah and Liam were sitting on the other which left me with the pillow on the floor. So I closed the blinds and grabbed all the food and weed and went to the pillow. 'Die Hard' started playing and everyone brought their pillows on the floor and chilled with me. On my left, Noah and Liam cuddling, and on the right, Emma and Noah seemed to be hitting it off, and me, stuck in the middle, third wheel to both rainbow sides, with two wounds well four now emotionally. I took three xans and three shots, to balance the feeling of being a third wheel. I passed out for a moment but when I woke up, they were watching "The Notebook" and the girls were all teary. I got up to use the bathroom, but I fell asleep there too, the xans gave me a hard kick and the liquor left me mouth open in the bath. Anita walked in to check up me but I was way too elevated to see her, everything was blurry and I couldn't get words out of my mouth but I had a vague sight of Anita and Emma, they may have been kissing or I was just having a bad trip, well sexy and bad trip.

I was wondering maybe

If I can make you my baby

And if we do the unthinkable

Would it make us go crazy?

ThenI had a terrible dream that woke me up, waking up to Emma sleeping on me in thebath. I tried waking her up but she wouldn't, I wanted to ask her about Anitaand the whole cute thing they had going on last night, or tonight. I feel likeshe's attached to me in a parasitical way, just sucking all the good in me butthen again I was so into her. I got Emma off me and slipped out of the tub andwent out to the main room and luckily Anita was still awake, but far gone andstill watching a Tyler Perry movie. She looked so high, with her legs crossedon the bed, I jumped on the bed next to her and I tried to get her out of thatzone. She eventually got out and we started talking, and she told me a lotabout herself and it's true, high people tell the best stories but then shestarted talking about Emma which blew. But Emma told her about the car thingbut in my defence I was trying to protect Emma's heart if she might've caughtsomething. She stretched, body a haven, a sexy shaped Eden and a midst oferogenous, and my belt unbuckled itself which she saw. Slowly she looked at me,ran her finger on my lip and I leaned in for a kiss but she passed out. I wentout for a smoke and drink thinking about who I'm choose, what I'm going to dowith the fact that Emma keeps cockblocking me which didn't seem like a problemuntil they started their cuddle. I finished a full bottle of vodka outsidethinking and thinking about something other than my father, drama fights drama.

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