Chapter 13 - Too Much

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We woke up to a light sea breeze and a fair share of sunlight on the beach. Emma wasn't in her sleeping bag so I hassled looking for her, only to find out that she was sleeping in the car with the heater on. After packing the things we had out and cleaning out the ashes we decided that we should go for one last swim for road trip memories and besides Emma was still asleep. We ran into the water for some wave hopping, and backstroking. Suddenly we heard the car ignition go on, and the engine revving. As we rushed out of the water, Emma threw our clothes out the window and drove off with the car. Yeah she screwed us over big time and the worst part is that No' blamed me for it.

Noah started shouting at me "Vro you gotta check your bitch! She took off with our fucken car!"

"Geez, thanks I didn't fucken notice Noah!"

Liam was as calm as you can ever get picked his clothes up and got dressed.

"What the fuck, Lee aren't you gonna say something?" asked Noah.

"Yeah I'm hungry so I'm gonna start walking" responded Liam.

Noah was shock at how calm Liam even though we were stranded at a paper sea and honestly I didn't blame him. So No' and I got dressed and we all started walking back the direction we came from with Noah whining and nagging which very much obnoxious. I couldn't believe that she did us like that but maybe she'd come back for us, but then again maybe not. With the sun blazing, burning the crap out of us, so hot but we didn't have anything to drink. You'd think walking on a coastal road could save us but no, the beach sand made us even more tired. Twenty minutes walking Liam started giving up on the walk. He sat down and advised to sit too.

Don't think about it too much

There's no reason for us to rush it through

Don't think about it too much

This is more than just a new lust for you

"Dude what happened to you two last night", asked Liam

"I know vro, dude is messed about we will never see each other again" I responded.

"Do you wanna see her again?" asked Liam.

I thought about my response before I said anything, not because I was hesitation but because I had to see whether she fits into what I want.

"Before I respond, why are we sitting down instead of walking?"

"We came here for peace and so far this is the most peaceful the trip has been because of all your bullshit" said Liam with a nonchalant laugh.

"I like her. A lot..."


"Dude is really messed up plus she lives so darn far I don't think it would work out."

"You still haven't answered the question though. Do-you-wa-nna-see-her-again?"

"Yes I do, but I can't do nothing about her living miles away"

Liam didn't respond and Noah just stared at me, the stare you give a person that has fallen. After a while we all stood up and walked again with Noah a little less tense then he was. We walked for hours until we actually got to a gas station with a payphone. Noah has a secret stash of money he thought we didn't know about but have actually been buying weed with it for a while. He called he's dad to ask him for money, telling him that we stranded somewhere on the coastal line, miles away from home. His dad hung up on him which pissed him off but we were back to first base.

"Damn Noah! We're in deep shit" said Liam, sighing in despair.

We sat on the pavement next to the payphone, worried about how we were going to get home. So we started coming with plans, we used the rest of Noah's money to buy something to eat. For an hour we sat there without a plan, when a young lady spotted us.

"Hey, I'm Layla. Why are you guys sitting here?" she asked.

"Long story short, we got robbed" said Noah depressed as a motherfucker.

He didn't even look up at her, he neglected her completely, so rude but I understood the pain he was going through.

"I'm out here with some friends on a way down south, we could give you a lift" she said with a smile staring out the window at a hippy-like mini bus.

I trust hippies, so I wouldn't turn down a lift that may be the only way of getting us closer to home.

"Sorry about him, dude is sad his car got stolen but we do need a lift so, yeah, please" I responded.

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