Chapter 6 - Night Show

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We went to diner on the main floor to get some food and drinks, and a lot of tequila to get fucked up. We started with some shots and inferno wings, which is the best combination if you're suicidal or want to burn your throat. Somehow it was good and it kept the gang entertained for a while and it was open mic night. It started out with a DJ playing some lofi neon music and we decided to buy some pills from the bearded guy standing at bathroom door with hair as an uncombed afro. When that shit kicked in it kicked hard, on the dance floor there danced Emma. River flowing her hands to the vibe of the song, her arms wave to the melody of the beat and her body moved rhythmic to whaling of the song.

 Fuck it she's beautiful and I couldn't stop staring, watching, gazing at her every move. I walked over to her and offered her a dance, which she rejected and went outside so I followed her. I saw her strolling through parking lot and I stopped to ask what was up with her. Again, she looked at me and she started crying, and I had to feel shitty for making her cry in a way. In my mind there were two solutions, one of which I had a fucked up face that when people look at me they feel like crying, or I reminded her of a dead sibling, and that was also a pretty fucked up too. She did not respond and ran back inside super-fast, "Fuck!".

 I stumbled back inside to watch the show, went inside to find the room energy has changed and it was a poetry session and damn I love poems, maybe I would perform something, but I got stage fright so fuck no. This was a soothing setting, with some guy in back smoking weed and the white noise jazzy and mellow with a beautiful woman harmonising all words flowing from the poet, and he who spoke was passionate of the stories he told, because she had scars and wounds to reveal. 

The first poet spoke about her depression and being alone in dark room and falling of buildings and pretty much how she'd enjoy it. I don't think I want that because I feel like that would be too much pressure on my mom, my sisters and probably cousins but fuck you papa. The next poet came up and this guy's poem was oppressing stereotypes and discriminations by being racist, sexist and classist as he was a broke, black and gay guy. He spoke in the point of view of others, those that said bad shit to him and this hit Liam pretty hard, he shed a tear and held a tight grip onto Noah's hand then lied on his chest, my friends are so cute.

 As the poet was reciting I started looking around for Emma, room was semi dark and I hard time spotting and eventually I did. She was sitting in a booth writing something in her journal and really from there my conscious shifted. I went up the stage and started reciting my poem titled Nubian Bird which spoke of a woman of birthed intelligence whom I found astounding. Tears dropped from eyes as I said these words describing the purity of this woman, so pure she gloomed her children to all they could become and right before I said the last word I paused and looked through the audience. Seeing strangers smile and actually listen to you, there's something warm about that feeling. I looked at the booth Emma was sitting and surprisingly she was not listening, she was in her zone I couldn't blame. I then said the last word and proceeded off the stage as the audience clapped and I walked to Emma's booth. Liam and Noah came over with vodka shots and chocolate cake.

I know I dream about her whole day

I think about her with her clothes off

Ridin' 'round in my system pumping LSD

I look for ways to say I love you

Shotsafter shots, pill after pill and munchies after munchies later we startedbonding and singing crappy again and this time Billie Eilish was responsiblefor our happiness well with a little bit of weed and lot of bit of oxycodoneand xanax and way too much to drink. After a shit ton of chocolate cake andmore sharing of our happiest moments we all decided to go to our rooms, yeah,the one I was sharing with the sentiment.

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