Chapter 7 - 2am Lovin'

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The roof fan spinning, bathroom pipes whining and the awkwardness increasing, she went to the bar fridge to get those mini bottles of vodka, cognac and whiskey. She then threw herself onto my bed and started drinking most of them, then started speaking. I started asking her questions about love and the universe and about the connection between mind, heart and soul. She defined the beauty of this in a way that opened my eyes as she awakened me from a deep sleep of not appreciating life. As she spoke about how she felt she started getting closer, and closer and I started getting shakier and shakier. 1, 2, 3. I leaned in for a kiss, oozing warmth into my body, our bodies in tune. Thrust after thrust and my hands went on her figure. She stopped and enchantingly whispered...

"Fantasize with me, strip me naked, touch me all over then plunge yourself inside me"

We were slowing kissing, she was stroking my erection, getting me harder and harder and I was playing with her pussy, rubbing her and getting her wet as her body was shaking, moaning. My mouth on her neck as she is breathing coincide, stripping. Neck kissing, hair pulling, heart pounding and blooding between her hasty breaths. My hands beneath her hips, mouthing moving down her body and the sheet grips getting tighter and tighter in her fists. Her legs on my shoulders, I, kissing her inner thighs, her body trembling as her breaths heavily. My hands playing with her hard erect nipples, my tongue rapidly licking and kissing her twat. Rapidly and rapidly licking, her moaning and screaming as she's pulling my hair, riding my face. She is soaking wet, as I start kissing on her erect nipples. I thrust deep inside her, lip biting, backscratching and emotions intoxicating as she frees her body. I pause deep inside her, pull out then ecstatically thrust harder as she moaned and shivered. Her body immensely shaking as she was gasping for air, begging me to go harder and harder, and harder. Feeling of a magical ride as I thrust and thrust into her endlessly, rhythmic to a passionate tune of endless moaning.

"Yes! Yes! Yeeees..."

Orgasm exploding, body shaking, legs weak and the room filled with an after dark gloom. She smiled uncontrollably as she breathed fast and rhythmic to my urges to go again. After thirty minutes of spooning, she gets off my bed and walks to her bed for some sleep. This is weird because I am used to cuddling after, but she was as cold as the night gets. One second we're speaking, sharing and holding hands, the next she's mad over nothing and again, I couldn't stop thinking about what her problem is.

In the morning I woke to this brain fighting hangover and an excessively heavy body. I kicked off the blankets and myself naked, I forgot about that but looking on the other bed I couldn't spot Emma. I jumped off and went to take a shower, I love showers so much. It gives me time to think, time to explore my plan and time to sing my bad thoughts away.

You're yelling at my face after all these drugs

You told me that I change around all these girls

Moving like you're TLC, seeing that I'm just a scrub

Never thought that me and you would fall out of love

Water was hitting my back as hard as a masseuse applies pressure to tense parts of the body, relaxing. I've was thinking of ways of success around all my creativity without having to feel like it's a job. Imagine making money from a hobby, and not chasing a dream but rather designing it. Thirty minutes later I got out and dried myself off reaching for the door. In the bedroom Emma was packing her backpack and she had a change of outfit. She ran into the bathroom as soon as I came out and curious I decided that I should go through her stuff. That was the worst fucken mistake I've ever made and I feel like I should've been warned from doing shit like that because that was the day I got stabbed, twice. I was going through her shit and I ended up reading her diary, I should've known that girls get crazy over words. First page, first word, I swear she flew from the bathroom over the first bed throwing a punch that hit my throat.

"Fuck you! Dick! Why the fuck...!"

She threw her books at me, and got a pocket knife out and jumped towards me. She started stabbing but the first time she stabbed the wall after I dodged that bitch. I ran to the door but I realised I only had a towel on and I jumped over the bed as she was chasing me around the room. She stabbed the bed, and pillows and as I was dodging the fourth stab, the knife penetrated my through biceps. I couldn't really feel it because of all the adrenaline, I was fucken petrified because she held the knife like she's done shit like that before. I ran to the bathroom but before I could open the door she stabbed me in the back, close to the hip. FUCK! I couldn't help but feel that stab so I lied down on the floor next to the bathroom door and she just sat there next to me. She leaned in for a kiss so I kissed her, somehow that turned me on but I was still in pain so I had to stop. She went into to the bathroom to get me a towel and soon after ran out to get me some band aids. I needed some vodka so I tried crawling to the mini bar fridge in the corner but I ended looking up at the ceiling look at the fan spinning around and around. My eyes were getting weaker and my arms were getting numb and my eyes just closed. I had a dream of myself lying in meter high grass, staring at a butterfly flying in patterns spelling a name. Imagine being on a soft bed getting room service from your crush, this really took me to the truth.

"Aubrey! Aubrey! You okay vro?" said Liam, he reeked of weed.

"Mh-hm, yeah."

Liam pulled me up to a sitting positing and sterilized all my stab wounds, my back and arm were red of blood and there was a pool of blood on the floor. I got cleaned up and patched, so I heightened my acid dosage and got really fucked up. We decided we should stay another day at the guest house.

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