Chapter 15 - Back To Love

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I woke up to Noah and Liam having made up but Anita and David had left earlier in the morning. Liam's face was cut a little but who am I to ask them what happened. We were pretty far gone from the night before but showed no mercy to the hangover we pretty much all had. Layla walked in the room speaking so energetically but it felt like she was screaming her lungs out for some reason.

"HEY! HEY! HEEEEEY!" she may have exclaimed or just said "Hey," I don't really know.

But she continued and said...

"There's some girl here waiting for you"

I got up and went out to Anita and ask her why she left without leaving her number or at least waking me up. I got outside to a fucken Emma standing beside the car, eyes as red as it gets covered in dark rings. I was pissed at her for leaving for a whole day with the car stranded on the fucken beach with no money.


They came out running until outside the door, they stopped and just looked at her. They both looked at one another and walked back inside the room and they closed the door. When they walked back in that fucked up my anger and I settled down and tried speaking to her.

"Why did you leave us?" I asked her softly.

"I don't know"

"Okay then what do you know?"

"I'm sorry, I guess I got scared after I told you things I told you that night. I thought I'd lost you but some bearded dude told me you left with a van like that so I figured..."

"You left us moneyless"

"Yeah, but I came back to look fo-"

"Oh well, thank you for taking OUR car!"

"I love you"

My biggest fear in a woman and she said it, with a tear sliding down her face dropping on her black boots. "I love you" are the saddest thing you can tell a person because that means you're giving yourself over to a person basically throwing yourself. I was stuck in a phase whether to say it back. I got issues commitment issues bigger than anyone can tolerate so I'd pray for her. I knew if I said it I would mean it but then there'd be a whole fight about what happened last night with Anita heck we both slept with her. She continued to say...

"You don't have to sa-"

"I love you" I said, nonchalantly staring into her eyes as I cut her sentence with passion.

I leaned in for a kiss against her small, pink, twitchy lips while I held by her waist but she looked away. She looked away then down and I looked and found Anita staring at us. What naturally happens is she'd walk away but she didn't, she stood firm and walked towards us and I was in fear of what was going to happen so I moved away from Emma. She came up to us and started talking about last night as if I didn't have enough problems but Emma seemed to be playing it cool even though the sentence started with "While we were kissing..." Liam and David kissed last night which started the conflict so Noah went for vengeance by kissing David too. Liam got really pissed and hurt David badly but with all the liquor consumed no one could feel anything then Liam and Noah fought, kissed and made up and out until they had sex. Then she went on to speak about us trying to get Emma more jealous but she didn't seem pissed which scared me. I like both of them and I've never been liked by two girls before so this was too uncomfortable for me so I went to find Layla. I walked to her room, went in without knocking but she was busy with one of the hippies so I waited outside for them. I went over to thank her for everything she done did for us and to tell her that we were on our way. She walked me to our room to say goodbye to the dudes, which is when I realised that this was the worst road trip I've been and all I wanted was to go home. The reason for this was because I saw Emma and Anita kissing again and gosh darn that had me ready to drive home.

Pick up your phone

The party's finished and I want you to know

I'm all alone

I'm feeling everything before I got up

"So Layla, they're busy but thanks on their behalf dude" I said.

She laughed and we hugged then she walked away. I like her care free vibe but my dad gives me so much shit to care about. I got in the room and said...

"I'm about to leave dudes so be in the car in five or I'm pulling an Emma" trying to say it as calm as possible.

I walked back to the car and got into the driver's seat, thinking about what happened between Emma and I just said. See I had an excuse to back out of the corner she had me in but she said she loves me but did she mean it because now she's with Anita. They walked out the room and Anita walked to me so I pretended to be doing something with my hands. She knocked, I rolled it down and she said...

"I'm sorry again, I don't know how she does it. I understand if you're ups-"

"Dude don't worry about it, and it's okay."

"It's your fault though..."

I stared at her in disbelief because I was being blamed for other people messing which felt so much like being cheated on.

"...dude you're the one I fancy but every time I come over I see you with her and somehow that brings me pain. In case you didn't hear me I really like you and I'm sorry about the times with Emma"

Theguys got in the backseat leaving Emma coming to the front seat and I was souncomfortable with the way they had me thinking about things. Anita likes me, Ilike her and she lives close so I have higher chances of seeing her but Emmaand I have something going on but she lives miles away. I just want to go home.

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