━━ chapter three

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authors note\\please read:

Ok so for the chapter I before this one I basically wrote it word for word but this time i'm going to be just making it up because I will only be writing Maisy's solo practice and the group.


maisy's pov:

I walked into studio A to start my solo. I was so glad that I got a contemporary piece, those are my favorite along with lyrical.

"Your solo is about a girl who is well, more dead than alive." Miss Abby said bluntly.

I smile and nod my head.

"You will be doing these crazy moves and tricks within your performance that if you pull of correctly will low the judges away."

And with that we got started.

Gianna helped me for about an hour with my dance. 

I was having trouble with the part where I do a backbend into a headstand into a backflip. 


||"I'm usually so good with learning new tricks like this but for some reason I just can't get it today" Maisy Jones||


Abby called Gianna over to talk with her about something but I couldn't quite hear them. Gianna walked out of the room and Abby waved her hand for me to come over.

"Okay, so we usually don't do this but because you are having trouble with this part and Gia is hurt we are going to have Brady come and help you. since he has done it many times before." Miss Abby said.

You started blushing but tried to hide it. Why am I blushing? It's not like I Like him... right?

"Okay, thank you Miss Abby."

Brady and Gia walked in and you both smiled at each other.

Well if anyone is going to teach me at least it's Brady and not someone like GiaNina...


brady's pov:

Gianna walked into studio B while all of us were practicing some ballet and called my over.

"Hi Brady, so Maisy is doing this one part of her routine and isn't really getting it. Because i'm hurt and you've done it millions of times Miss Abby and I were wondering if you would come and help. We usually don't do this but it would be greatly appreciated."

Just hearing Maisy's name makes me blush. But I don't like her! I can't like her...

"Yeah sure!" I say.


||"I was really happy when they asked if I could help because it gave me the opportunity to show Miss abby and Gianna that I am a team player. Also, I got to spend some time with Maisy!" Brady Farrar

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tricia Farrar

"Um nothing" Brady Farrar||


Gia and I walked into studio A and saw Abby and Maisy. I smiled at her and tried my best to hide my blush. It almost looked as if she was blushing too. 

"Ok Brady so if you wouldn't mind please go over and do it with Maisy."

"Yes Miss Abby." 

I walk over to Maisy and see her smiling at me so I smile back.

"5, 6, 7, 8" Gianna counts.

Maisy and I do the moves and she falls while doing the backflip. 

"Are you okay?" I ask worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." she says giving me a reassuring smile.

"Okay, make sure that you rotate your legs a little more when coming up."


We try it again and we both land it.

"Good job!" I say hugging her.

"Thanks for the tip." Maisy says hugging back and wait a minute... did she wink?

"Okay Brady you can go back to the ballet lessons now. Thank you for helping." Gia says.

"No problem." I say leaving and going back to lessons.

All I can think of now is hugging Maisey and the wink? oh lord


maisy's pov:

Brady starts to help me with my routine and after a couple tries I get it.

"Good job!" Brady says hugging me.

"Thanks for the tip!" I say hugging back and winking. 

CRAP! Did I just wink? Please say they didn't get that on video.

"Okay Brady you can go back to the ballet lessons now. Thank you for helping." Gia says.

"No problem." he says leaving.

"Okay let's get back to the dance!" Miss Abby says.


After about 20 more minutes of practice we finish my solo for the day and start the group dance.

Brady is the lead of this dance and i'm very excited for him!


||"I'm so glad that Brady has the opportunity to be the lead this week!" Tricia Farrar

"Yeah, i'm excited to prove to Miss Abby that putting me on the team was a good idea!" Brady Farrar||


stacey's pov: (bet you weren't expecting that lol)

The moms and I are watching our kids dance and I can't help but think about how Brady is getting the lead just because he is a boy.

"Does it bother anyone else that Brady has the lead because he is a boy?"

"Excuse me?" Tricia says.

"You heard me. The only reason why he is the lead is because he is a boy."

"I mean she's not wrong..." Michelle says.

"See, I'm not the only one who thinks this. And why did Maisy get a solo? If anything Lily should get it. She is the only returning member of the ALDC!"

"Don't you dare talk about mine or Tricia's kid like that!" Katherine says.

"Guys let's just not start this right now. It's only the first day." Erin says.

"Fine. But when all your kids are back up dancers for Brady every week and don't have solos because Maisy is hogging them all don't come to me and act like you didn't know it was going to happen." I say while watching Lily dance.


authors note\\please read:

Hey guys! So I hope you all liked it! Sorry that Stacey's pov was so random and short. I just had to start the jealousy and drama so I can build up on it later. 

xoxo soph

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