━━ chapter fourteen

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hannah's pov:

I told my mom I wanted to get to rehearsal. I didn't tell her I wanted to go early because I needed to talk to Miss Abby about Brady and Maisy though. 

We get to the studio and the first thing I do is find Miss Abby.

"Hello, Miss Abby can we talk?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well, I thought it was only right that you should know about Brady and Maisy."

"What about them?'

"Um, they're dating."

"They, what!?"

"Um yeah, for about a week or so now."

Miss Abby stays silent and thinks for a little bit.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention."

"Of course." I say before leaving and smirking a little.

I think I know who's going to get kicked off the team next week.


brady's pov:

I got to the studio slightly early and see Hannah.

"Hey Brady! Come warm up with me." she says.

"Um ok, let me just get my shoes on."

I walk into studio B to see her stretching.

"We should practice some lifts" she says.

"Sure." I say.

We do some basic lifts and I accidentally drop her a few times but she doesn't seem to mind. No offense but I'm used to someone short like Maisy when I do lifts.

I hear some voices outside so I'm assuming the other girls and moms are here.

"Hey I'm going to go check if Maisy is here."

"Wait!" she says rushing over to me, "Can you just stay a little longer" she says putting her hand on my shoulder.

I brush her hand off and step back. "Sorry Hannah, I should get going." I say walking away.

I walk out and see Abby going up to Maisy then she looks at me. "Brady, perfect! Come with me."

We both followed Miss Abby confused. We go into her office to "talk", weird...

"So, when were you guys planning on telling me you are dating?"

"I-um-we." Maisy starts but Abby interrupts her.

"Now usually I would not like this but it will be great publicity! Especially with your guys duet! I was going to make it romantic but now I can fully commit to it."

"So you're not mad?" I ask.

"Mad? Oh heavens no. I'm just glad Hannah told me before I started choreographing the number with Gia."

I look at Maisy shocked.

"Hannah told you?" she asks.

"Yes. But anyways we should start rehearsing! I'm going to do your guys last today so go head into studio B."

We walk to studio B in shock. Abby knows we're dating and is fine with it. But the worst part is Hannah told her!

We walk in and see everyone warming up. Before I know it Maisy is right in front of Hannah confronting her. Thank god the cameras are off.

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