━━ chapter seventeen

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maisy's pov:

I got to the studio early because I wanted to spend as much time as possible with Brady before he has to leave. It still breaks my heart everytime I think about it my hear just breaks. 

"Hey M, you're early." Brady says smiling.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, hey." I say putting my hair up.

"Let's go practice in studio B before the other kids get here." he says.

"Okay." I say grabbing his hand.


We practice for about 20 minutes until all the other girls get there.

Hannah goes to do her solo for about 45 minutes until it is Brady's tern.

"Bye B." I say kissing him on the cheek. 

"Bye M." he says walking into studio A.

"Ooooo" GiaNina and Presley says.

"Oh shush." I say blushing.

"So, Maisy are you going to miss Brady?" Hannah asks.

Is that even a question?

"Um yeah, I mean obviously. He is my boyfriend." I say seeing Presley giggle a little.

"I think we're all going to miss him. But lets just practice our acro." Sarah says changing the topic.


We spend a good hour doing that until Brady walks back in.

"M, Abby wants you to go learn your solo." he says giving me a hug.

"K, cya." I say walking into studio A.

"Hi Gia, Hi Miss Abby." I say walking in.

"Hello." they say.

"Ok so Maisy, as you know your solo is a tribute to Micheal Jackson called "Dangerous". It is a jazz piece."

This could be interesting...

"I am doing a jazz number for you because I know you have major talent, but if you can be well versatile, you will never even get to call backs. I am pushing your limits with this dance. It has loads of challenging moves back to back and it quite technical. Not to mention your timing has to be perfect!"

Wow, no pressure.

"Let's begin!"


I start doing the dance and get it down after about 25 minutes. Miss Abby wasn't wrong when she said it was difficult. I continue to work on it for about another 20 minutes until we start the group number.

"Alright, lets do this"


We work on the group dance for about an hour and I love it! I absolutely love Queen so I can't wait to preform it.


tricia's pov:

I really don't want to be here but Brady wants to so i'll stay for him.

"Abby really wants to see big things from this dance." Ashley says.

"Yeah, she's saying things like flamboyant, she's saying you know over-the-top, Freddie Mercury, Lead, not seeing it." Michelle says.

"I think you should really honestly worry about your kid." I say.

"I do." she says.

"Worry about your kid!  Worry about your kids timing, worry about your kids transitions, worry about if your kid is going to bump into somebody else, and worry about your mouth getting her kicked off this team because you don't know when to stop!" I say getting more upset.

"You look ridiculous with those sunglasses on." she says.

"I don't care you sound like a chihuahua." I say back.

"Ruff ruff."

"All bite no bark." I say.

"Good thing you don't have to deal with me much longer."

"You know what's done is done. Your kid is going home because he's so amazing. Stacey you're going to get what you want. Your kid is going to be the star of the team. And you know what I have to worry about my kid." Joanne says.

"Maisy is dancing jazz which is not her specialty so I know she is a little nervous." Kath says.

"I highly doubt Maisy should be nervous." Stacey says.

"Well either way it put's pressure on the other kids too. Like Hannah has to fight for her life. I think Hannah is getting close to beating Brady and Maisy. Personally I think she is moving up and I think she has the potential where she could, eventually, beat Brady." Ann says.

||"I have no clue what world Ann is lives in, but Hannah is not even close to being as good as Brady or Maisy. The only reason why we're going home is because their daughters are not good enough and are not working hard enough. So I don't want to hear that they could beat Brady." Tricia Farrar.|| 


brady's pov:

"Tell your mothers to come down." Abby says.

We all wave to our mothers to come down and they come shortly.

"Moms do you understand that there's a lot on the line for these solos."

"Yes." they all say.

"Out of the girls we have dancing, I don't know Hannah. I think someone from another studio could take that win."
(I had to change it from GiaNina to Hannah)

"No Brady is going to win." my mom says.

Mom! Ugh this is not helping!

"Well yeah Brady is going to win." Abby replies.

I look over to Maisy seeing her smile but also look a little sad.

"You sit here and you say you want eight stars right?" my mom says.

"I do." Abby says.

"Well, Brady is a super star. Find six more Bradys. If they can't dance with him send them home! It's not my fault your kid is not as good as mine! Stupid Abby, send them all home." my mom yells.

Oh no! I look at Maisy to see her trying to keep tears in. 

||"It really hurt when Tricia was yelling at us and telling Miss Abby to send us home." Maisy Jones.

"Not cute. I've never been against Tricia but that said a lot about her and her character." Katherine Jones.||

"Brady, I decided to send you home to see what these girls really have to offer. She's right, I want eight equal amazing dancers. So get it together, step out on that stage, and be a band or group of dancers that a billion people want to watch. Just like Queen. Alright,lets get on the bus." Abby says.


authors note\\please read:

ahhhh, I feel like this chapter was wayyyy to short! I'll try and make it up in the next few chapters.

anywayssss, if you haven't heard by now I made a new story!! it is another Brady Farrar story but different then this one! its called "the little lakasiak". yep, you guessed it! she is Chloe's younger sister and Christi's daughter! I absolutely love the two and thought  it would be a cool idea! 

xoxo soph

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