━━ chapter six

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brady's pov:

Since Maisy, Presley and I don't have anything but the group we all practiced our Hip Hop in studio B with Gianna. Hannah, GiaNina, and Sarah are practicing ballet in studio C. (they have a studio C right? lol) 

"Okay guys so just keep on practicing the combo. I'm going to go help the other girls in studio C." Gianna says.

"Ok." we all say.

Gia leaves and we start doing to combo. We all get it down very quick and start to get bored.

"Hey guys, how about we play a game." Presley says.

"Sure." Maisy says.

"What game?" I ask.

"How about... what are the odds?" Presley suggests.

"Ok" we say.


We play for about 10 minutes until Presley asks our last question.

"Okay last one, Maisy, what are the odds that you and Brady will Kiss!"

Wait what? Did she really just say that? Does she know I like her!?

"W-What? Presley. No!"

Oh... she probably doesn't like me...

"Well that's how you play the game!" 

"3... 2... 1-"

"Guys, it's time for the group dance" Gianna says.



maisy's pov:

We walked into studio A and I was blushing like an actual tomato.

"Presley! Why did you do that!" I whisper yelled.

"I tried to set you two up!" she whispered back.

"Well next time give me a warning."

"Ok, sorry."


After just 5 minutes of the dance we are already gasping for air.

"This is a really hard dance." Brady says to me

"Yeah, I'm not sure if I have enough stamina for this." I say laughing a little.

"Haha same."

"Brady, Maisy more dancing less talking!" Miss Abby says.

"Yes Miss Abby." we say.


katherine's pov:

"This weeks dance seems really hard." Ann says.

"Yeah, they really need to stay focused." Michelle says.

Right as she says that you hear Abby tell your daughter and Brady to focus.

"Well would you look at that. Brady and Maisy getting special attention again." Stacey says.

"Special attention? How if get yelled at special attention?" I ask.

"You call that yelling? If that was any of our kids they would be kicked out of  the room, maybe even the dance!" Stacey says.

"They would not. They were just talking about the dance. That's why they didn't get in trouble that much." Tricia says.

"Yes they would! Your two kids never get discipline from Abby!" 

"You know what Stacey, I am sick and tired of you bringing my kid down just so you can try and lift yours up. It is so sickening!" I say.

By now the kids are looking at us yelling and I can see her and Brady run out of the room.

||"Stacey just needs to worry about her own kid and not mine!" Katherine Jones||

"I'm leaving and so is Maisy." i say not being able to take it anymore. 

"Katherine don't say that, you guys can't leave." Ashley says.

"No we're leaving for at least today because I cannot stay here letting this woman tare my daughter down any longer!" I say pointing at Stacey.

I grab my stuff and walk downstairs where I see Brady and Maisy. 

"Maisy we're leaving right now go grab your stuff."

"Mom I don't want to go! Please, I'll be behind in the group and I need to prove to Miss Abby that I deserve to be here today!"

"Kath, I can give her a ride if you want to leave right now." Tricia says.

She must have followed be downstairs.

"Fine, Thank you, but if she says one more word about my daughter tell me right away." 

"I will."

"Okay, Maisy, don't let her talk about you  like that. Now you two go back in there and dance."

They both walk back into studio A to continue the dance.

I hug Tricia and thank her before leaving.


maisy's pov:

I hear the moms yelling about something so I look up and I see Stacey pointing at me. I look over to Brady and hear Stacey say something along the lines that we are favorited and don't get properly punished for our mistakes. I run out of the room with Brady right behind me.

"They're talking about us again.." I say trying my best not to cry.

"Hey it's okay, we just can't listen to them. As long as we both know what the truth is that's all that matters"

"Thanks Brady." I say hugging him.

Right then my Mom and Tricia walks down and we argue about leaving. In the end I can stay and I'll just go home with Brady and Tricia. 

We walk back into studio A and get back to dancing.

"Maisy, Brady come here."

We both walk over to Abby and I can't help feeling a little nervous.

"Now what was all of that about?"

"I'm sorry Miss Abby. I just heard them talking about us and saying you never punish us enough and I just needed a moment to clear my head. It won't happen again." I say.

"It better not. Now you two go back and join the others."

"Yes Miss Abby."


authors note\\please read:

Woah. So this chapter is nothing like I was expecting it to be. The whole fight seen was not planned and same thing goes for the game. Because of that this sucks and i'm sorry for that. 

Also should I dedicate 2 chapters to the "ABC dance challenge" and the other one I can't remember? lol. If so please comment "Yes". Thanks!

xoxo soph

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