━━ chapter sixteen

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authors note\\please read:

hello! so I just wanted to give you a heads up that I am not writing on my normal computer so if things are messed up i'm sorry! thanks!

xoxo soph


katherine's pov:

When all of the moms got there we sat in the dancers den waiting to be called in for pyramid while our girls warmed up in studio B.

"Abby said she's sending someone home this week. I mean I can speak for myself that you know, we're worried." Ashley says.

"Is anyone not worried? I mean I know Savannah would be devastated if she was sent home." Erin says.

"And Brady's worried." Tricia says.

"What? Why would Brady be worried?" Ashley asks.

"Because he feels that a lot of pressure is put on him." Tricia says back.

"I know that Maisy feels the  same way." I say.

"Well in Abby's eyes they're perfect."

"Nobody is perfect." I say

[[ 🎵nobody's perfect,I gotta work it! again and again till' I get it right! 🎵 lol sorry ]]

"I think Brady is the only one who for sure is safe today. And maybe even Maisy."

All of the moms just nod their heads.

"Moms, kids, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!" we hear Miss Abby yell.

At this point i'm done with these mothers.


maisy's pov:

We get inside for pyramid and I stand next to Brady and Tricia.

"I'm happy with the results of the competition. The group won and i'm also glad that the duets had a clean sweep, and that's the way it should be."

I look over at Brady and smile considering we were the winning duet. The kiss was kind of awkward because everyone on social media is talking about it but i'm not going to lie, I liked it.

"But I am certainly not happy with the way everyone behaved at the competition. We had kids crying, kids making mistakes in the number, kids threatening to quit. We have an entire group of women who are jealous of a 14 year old boy. I will not stand for the jealousy. I watched it before, I did it, I was part of it. All I was concerned with was the win, the win, the win. The same kid was in the front. The same kid was the middle. And we won, and we won, and we won. And where did that get me? I want a team and every member of the team has to pull their weight."

I start to get very nervous and honestly scared.

"Brady you are clearly the best dancer on this team."

Stacey is just shaking her head looking frustrated.

"But I can't put all my eggs in one basket. I've made that mistake before. So regardless of the talent, Brady is going on a break."

Wait what? No, no, no. This can't be happening right now. She has to be lying.

||"I can't believe that Brady is going "on a break". He is like the glue to this team! I'm almost certain it's going to go down hill from here." Maisy Jones.

"I agree with that 100%." Katherine Jones.||

I look up to Brady getting tears in my eyes. He gives me a sad look and keeps his tears held back while putting his hands over his mouth.

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