━━ chapter eighteen

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authors note\\please read:

guys I am so sorry this took so long! I was very busy and I wrote it all but it deleted and didn't save. so, so, so, sorry!!

xoxo soph


maisy's pov:

Today is the day.

The last day Brady will be preforming with us.

I honestly don't know if I can do this.

But you know what, it's now or never.


Practice just got over for the day and it was time to head to the competition. 

"Hey M, sit with me?" Brady asks sitting down in your guys spot in the back of the bus.

"Is that even a question?" I say sitting next to him.

I cuddle up next to him and we watch "Pretty Little Liars" on the way to the competition.


"Ok everyone! Off the bus and into the dressing room!" Abby says.

I turn off Netflix and grab my things.

When we get out of the bus we see all the fans like usual and I wave to all of them. It's so cool how they always come out just to even see us.

We get to the dressing room and I set up my vanity next to Brady's like always.

"Come on Maisy, time to get ready." my mom says.


I get my costume on and put my hair into a simple ponytail with a little twist in the front. Then my mom helps with my makeup. It's nothing to big but it is more than we usually do.

"Okay Maisy, let's go over your solo one more time." Gia says.

I go over and practice my solo but hear the moms start to argue.

"So Maisy, Hannah, you guys feeling good about your solos?" Michelle asks.

"Yeah." Hannah says.

I don't reply because I am in the middle of my dance.

"Um, good! I'm glad you guys are ready to rock it today." Michelle says.

"I kinda hope they all are because that was so out of line and so unnecessary. I get you're upset and you can be mad at us but to go and try and send these kids home that had nothing to do with it, nothing to do with it-" Ashley says.

"I couldn't send them home. That would be Abby's decision. Right? She can do whatever she wants, ok. She can do whatever she wants." Tricia says.

"Right, exactly. She's doing what she wants and you're getting mad about it." Ashley says.

"You guys sat here and agreed with her." Tricia says.

"You know what-" Michelle starts to say.

'You guys- You know what just shut up!" Tricia says.

"No, she made a decision!" Michelle says.

"You know just shut up." Tricia says giving Michelle "the hand".

The moms continue to argue and Tricia yells right as I am doing my tumbling sequence and I fall on my foot weird. 

"Ow!" I yell and all the moms stop arguing.

Before I know it Gia, my mom, and Brady are right next to me.

"M are you okay?" Brady asks worried.

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