Chapter 15 | I'm Okay

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The days following the dinner event had been amazing and with the presence of both my mom and sister, there wasn't a second that went by without any form of laughter and entertainment.

I may not have known it then but having them here was just the thing I needed to take my mind off of certain things because mother had a way of forcefully distracting you from your worries and making you focus entirely on the present situation, the same reason why Sofia had been coming over more times than I could count.

In fact these days, she has been spending less time with Emilio and more with us, sometimes chatting with mom and Martina, and at times studying for the tests with Kina and I.

Unfortunately, every good thing must surely come to an end.

For here I stood outside the apartment complex, facing both my mom and sister who had their respective luggages next to them. Kina had just driven her car out the garage before she came to join us, her expression mirroring my solemn ones.

"Oh come on, don't give me that face" mom stated, "You'll make it hard for me to leave"

Kina sighed, "Sorry Diane" she apologized, "With everything going on in my head and then you leaving, it doesn't make me too happy"

A soft smile appeared on mom's painted lips when she heard her, "Don't be Kina, you can always visit us in Leeds, it's just an hour drive from here"

With that said, she engulfed her arms around the blonde and tightly embraced her figure. "And don't forget what I told you yesterday"

Releasing herself from her hold, Kina nodded in reply before turning to the girl standing next to mom. "I'm going to miss you Marti"

"I'm going to miss you too"

Martina and Kina have never been familiar with each other prior to this, due to the fact that Kina wasn't really present at the time Marti came to pay us a visit, the only time they spoke was when they had to introduce themselves.

However, now it seemed like this time around, staying under the same roof appeared to have gotten them closer than before.

After Marti's response, they did not waste anytime in giving each other a hug, their arms encircling their bodies before eventually letting go. "Call me" Kina told her, then turning her hazel eyes on me, she said. "I'll wait for you in the car, be fast though, the test would be starting soon"

Giving one last glance at both my mom and sister, she left our midst and made her way to her vehicle, her short summer dress blowing to the side as the wind threatened to expose her.

I seriously told her not to wear that


I turned my attention back to mom when I heard her call my name but my eyes instead laid on her luggages, another reminder that she was indeed going back home today. "Are you sure you don't want us to drop you off at the bus station?"

"I told you there's no need for that"

"What about the load you got, I know you can take care of it yourself but Marti would definately break in two if she carries one of them"

Marti widened her eyes at my statement, "Hey!" she exclaimed but then mumbled in disagreement as she crossed her arms, "I'm not that weak"

I gave her a sheepish smile.

Mom looked down at her luggages, the sudden head movement causing her curls to escape from the hair band that held them in place. "Don't worry about Martina, besides you need to be in school now, you are writing your last paper today right?"

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