Tape girl theory

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Some people are starting to think tape girl is Glitchtrap because of the voice that was decoded from Glitchtrap. However, It's impossible for her to be Glitchtrap according to some of the tapes she didn't know what he was knew "it" attached itself to her files. She also admits to scattering the tapes. Then on tape 16 she talks about you can kill it and that it will escape from you know basically you. She basically sat a trap for us. Because if she knew it escapes from possessing people then why did she not try it. On the menu Fazbear entertainment admitted their not responsible to possession. In the FNAF VR as we go on the Freddy cart ride. Even the company is aware of Glitchtrap possessing but, they hide it when Jeremy saw it they had to get rid of him. The way tape girl acted she would of grown insane or also get fired but, she didn't get either suggesting she works for Fazbear entertainment. She even talks about the company in some tapes as well as the boss , Jeremy , and some other workers.

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