Mangle orgin theory 3

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Now I've made theories with Mangle quite a bit. This time I wanna talk about not only the color but, the role itself a bit here. Along with a bit of gender debate

When comparing the toys well Fnaf Vr the toys are a brighter and more vibrant color. The reason I think Mangle didn't become a bright and vibrant red is also due to the audience he was entertaining. Which were toddlers which are 1 to three old kids. Now you might be wondering but, how does that stop him from not becoming a bright color. Well kids can be very sensitive to bright colors. Especially people with epilepsy. A bright red would just hurt the small kids eyes. So they used pink a vibrant pink it wasn't too light or too bright. It takes red to make pink so it fits. The toys also a carry a secondary color. Now when it comes to Mangle's role. Originally yes Mangle was Toy Foxy he wasn't a new Foxy just a kid friendly Foxy. The toys are remakes of their counterparts. I've talked about Mangle not being a pirate as well. But in FNAF VR when we fix Foxy look how he's swinging his hook up and down. Now we know Funtime Foxy is 5 ft.9 In. Along with him being Foxy so if Foxy is the same height. Then Toy Foxy most likely was either the same height or slightly smaller. Also depending on the length of his arm and how far down he would be swinging it. When you see that you then see how it would be a hazard and why Foxy was deemed dangerous. It wasn't because of a random reason. It could be because if Toy Foxy was to be a pirate and do the same act as Foxy. A lot of toddlers could get seriously hurt especially by the hook. Think if it the toddlers were even mentioned to not be able to keep their hands to themselves. As said by phone guy.  So they picked a friendlier role a simple clown. The toddlers were constantly fighting on who got to play with him.  So the workers made him into a take apart and put together Attraction. Kinda like taking Legos apart then putting them back together with random pieces. Which aren't all in the same order. Now with the gender again. There was no more room to put this in Mangle orgin 1 so it will exist here. Now another piece of evidence to Mangle as a boy is in ucn the counterparts Phantom Mangle and Nightmare Mangle. On their mechanic it uses he and him.  Explaining what they do cause and, how to prevent a jumpscare  from them. Now with the phantoms they're like ghosts they can't do physical harm so when they jumpscare us and, why our breathing is heavy along slightly blacking out. Think if you got scared pretty badly you would be breathing heavily to. It also could be like if you wake up from a nightmare your breathing would be heavy. The phantoms in a way are the ghosts of the kids trapped in the animontronics. Except Mangle because he's a dog. In Fruity Maze William tells Susie he's not really dead he's over here. He's talking about the dog, the dog is a male. Plus speaking of Nightmare Mangle if you compare him to Nightmare Foxy he's similar. The reason Mangle is reffered as he and her in Ucn. Is because the dog is he and the her is Susie. Part of Susie renemant/soul is in Mangle. Personally I think the Endo head is Susie while the her dog is the big Foxy mask/ head. If you look at Nightmare Mangle's Endo head and compare it with a humans skull it's similar. The reason they could be reffered as nightmares. Possibly is because crying child sees what William did sees the nightmare,the children are trapped in aka the suits. Looking at regular Mangle the Endo itself looks a little human just not as human like as the nightmares. Plus back with phantom Mangle since only a small bit of Susie was in him it's likely he could of been in a fire which burned that small piece of renament in the Endo Head. Also in fnaf6 the reason the kids are happy and finally free is because they were all brought together. They all burned together. The renament was spreaded to so many animontronics that were scattered all around. They had to be brought together and burn so all the renament/ souls could burn and finally find piece.

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