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She is his sun;  He is her World. One cannot make it without the other.

"Mina!" Mark ran to her as fast as he can. 

"Oh, Mark! You were called too?"

Mark nodded eagerly as an answer. "I guess will be seeing each other longer than we thought." He said hoping to keep his excitement at bay.

"This would be fun," Mina replied, hoping her face wouldn't give out the excitement that she feels.

They were both excited for they have the chance to be near each other again.


"What is your ideal girl Markeu-shii?"

"Someone who looks cool, who is pretty and smart."

"Is that someone me?"


That's usually how their script goes, flirting, teasing each other. But they can't help but feel something.

He feels it, she does too. Will they admit it?

Probably not.

But the certain concept of "them", the both of them being together sparks something in their hearts.


"Us" was a word familiar but at the same time so difficult to define for them.

Was there an Us? Was there not? Is this reality? Is it not?

The line between the two "us" that they know was getting more blurry, and one wrong step can lead to something great or something worse.

"Mina, I- I got to tell you something. I like you." Mark said as he held his script by his hands.

"What? Oh, you add an adlib? That was great Mark! We should do it." Mina said laughing nervously while denying to herself that it isn't real.

"haha yeah, we should," He said, trying not to show the disappointment of her not getting it right.


But the thing about them is that they need that "us". They're scared, but they are more scared about the fact of losing each other. And They won't let that happen.

"Mina, I- I love you," Mark said. Feeling all the bravery coming to him as he said those words. Silently wishing she would get it, understand it.

"Mark, is that the new song EXID has for us? I Love You?" Mina tried not to stutter, she was feeling wobbly inside for hearing the words he said even if it was for the show.

"Ah yes!..." Mark answered even though a bit unfocused. Hearing his name with those 3 words he longed to hear from her even if it wasn't the same meaning, he still felt very giggly.

But he isn't getting to "us" in this way,  he needs to do something.



"Mina, I-I really like you, I love you," Mark said, bravery coming to him again. Mina stood still, trying to think of a way to hide her shock and to make the script work.

After the spiel, they went back, She was confused, he was nervous.

"You didn't tell me that you'll add another adlib." Mina started, hoping that all of this is just one big confusion.

"It was not an adlib" he whispered under his breath loud enough so she can slightly hear him.

"Huh? What?" Mina asked for she did not hear clearly.

"You heard me, I meant what I said out there. I like you Mina so so much."

Mina stood there. Shocked not knowing what to say or what to feel.

Is the "us" that she dreamed of finally coming true?? Is this finally it?

"It's okay if you don't like me back. I ju-hmmm." Mark was taken aback.

Mina hugged him so tight, tears of happiness flowing from her face.

He slowly reached out to wipe it. "Why are you crying? Is it because of what I said?" She shook her head no.

"I like you too Mark, so so so so much." With those words, Mark buried his head at the crook of her neck and hugged her as if it was their last.

The "us" that they dreamed of had finally happened. This was their dreams, their future.

Slowly by slowly, their lips have taken each other into a small sweet first kiss. Smiling with content faces, they looked at each other for they have found the one that they'll be with, Forever.

Mark and Mina. 




Hey, I decided to make this one-shots compilation for my KeuMi one shots.
I hope you enjoyed this one!!!

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