[22] Ciao Braces

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Chapter 22 : Ciao Braces 


This is the day I'll get my braces removed. It may hold some precious memories, but sometimes, you just gotta let go. 


"Oh My Gosh." Darren whimpered. "WHAT?" I ask, some spit blurting out. 


Gosh. It did hurt, and most of all, I don't get to eat certain solids for 2 and a half months. "You look like a real dork, M. With your wavy hair and like, glasses, I'd totally deny that you're a cool kid." he laughed. 


I snort. "I hate you D." 


"Yeah. Love you too." 


"Is that Margo Fuentabella?" 

"Yeah I think so. She's with Becca the Brit Girl. And Darren." I heard some students whisper.  I ignore them and roll my eyes. 

*Later at Lunch* 

All of the people were staring at me, confused if I've gone dorky and nerdy, and out of my former cool shell. I was getting tired, so inside the cafeteria, where everybody sat, and apparently staring, 

"Don't you know staring is rude, people?!" I yell. And Becca and Darren just laughed. 

As we were getting our trays, either the older grades were holding their laughter and my batchmates were trembling. 

I don't like the latter, but I do feel that these braces brought me a different kind of confidence. 

I feel so accompished.

*end of flashback*

I was at Dr. Licup's clinic, waiting for my appointment; I grab hold of my camera, filming. "So, it's the moment guys," I say to the camera, slightly shaking. Then, a little girl, which I guess was getting her tooth removed, screamed, I made a nervous face. "Fuentabella, baby girl," Miss Krissy said, "your turn." 

"Let's go." I say. Holding the camera upfront as I walk to the seat. "So, how are you, Margo?" Dr. Licup asks. "Fine. And a wee bit nervous. Well, more of bloody nervous." I state, he chuckles. 

"Um, Mr. Licup, could I have someone film my brace removal for me?" 

"Yeah, sure." he agreed, "Rhea, please hold the camera for her please," Dr. Licup called Miss Rhea, his assistant. 

"You ready?" 

I nod. 

Here goes nothing. 

*after the brace removal* 

"Aaand, we're done!" Dr. Licup said, I smile, licking my teeth. It has a different feeling, haha. The first thing I did was get my phone and took a selfie. 

And I upload it to twitter and instagram.

"@margoooo: 1st selfie without braces! #ciaobraces

"Kids these days," Ms. Rhea shook her head. I grabbed my camera from her and thanked her, and I asked them if it was paid, and the said yes - it was time for me to go. Thanking them, I marched out of their clinic, still gripping my camera. 

"So, my braces disappeared. Therefore, I shall treat myself ice cream. Without Darren." I frown. "Well, Darren if you're watching this, I'll get out ice cream." I finish and smile.


I edited my 2-and-a-half hour film to a five minute video of me getting my braces off, of course, I took off the scenes where I looked weird and uncomfortable. Uploading it to youtube, I get two skypecalls. One from Darren, and Becca.

(a/n, so this is going to be like, convo-ish, and i'll just be using their initials: m-margo d-darren b-becca and j-jk :3) 

m: hey guys! gosh, i miss you all so much!

d: you look weird without braces

b: yeah,

m: and when i got my braces you said i looked weird. yung totoo? 

j: hey bec... what the?

m: hey jk.

j: what happened to you?

d: she got her braces removed.

j: that's why she's weird

b: i miss your braces go-go, get them back on

m: *the nadila face* 

d: hey are you going tomorrow?

b: yeah go-go, are you coming?

j: please say yes

m: im not sure, my flights not until sunday.

b: you're not my best friend anymore go-go, *hmmps*

j: well, how's canada?

d: don't tell me that Selena is annoying you again

m: you tell me. she's been bugging the sht out of me, asking "omg is darren famous now?" "did he say he has a crush on me?"

d: *sighs*

j: who's selena?

b: well, she's the popular girl who hated darren the first time, and when he got cute, she stalks him twenty-four-seven.

m: she sucks

d: yeah she does.

m: well anyways, becca, im going to ship my present to you tomorrow.

b: *sighs* thanks. but i wished you were the package though.

m: too bad. i wish i was the package too, you know.

d: i miss you margo.

m: miss you too, D.


m: flee jk, fleee!!

j: *pouts* no

m: well, i gotta go, i need to ship bex's gift. love ya'll

b: love you go-go

j: bye margo

d: love you too 


okay? okay. 

dedication to the user who guesses what the gift is :33 




read it bc i love you

and you love me (?? haha)


xx becca 

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