[31] Code Blue

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So there I stood, infront of my parents. Feet shaking, palms sweating, eye contact non-existent; I didn't know how to tell them that I can't be like her. Dad was tapping his feet impatiently as Mom kept checking her phone.

Dad broke the silence, "So, what did you call us for, Margo dear? Are you not supposed to be studying?"

"But Dad..."


My lips were trembling as I looked at my mother who seemed as furious as my father.

"You, are going to the school where Tori was supposed to go, and that's final."

And my father ended our conversation.

And perhaps all the love I have shown for him.

"Yes, Papa."

"Good. Now, get back to your Uncle Aldrin's house and follow what he says. I will have Manang Bids monitor you."


"Hey Uncle A. Um, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, Darren's girlfriend. What's that?"

"Um, can you have my luggage sent to Australia as in, right now. And like, I'm gonna stay with the Robinsons for a while."

"Aren't you going to stay with your parents, Margo?"

"Dad and I aren't on good terms right now."

"Oh I see. I'll call you if I need to ask you something, kay Reesie-poo?"

"Yes, Uncle A. Love ya."

"Yeah. And I bet you'll love my gift."


As my feet carried me to Becca's house, where JK and lieutenant were, I felt hot tears flow on my cheeks. I'm better than Tori. I thought. I can't be Tori. I'm better than her.

Furiosly, my feet touched the ground as I realized I stepped on a rock and tripped - that was when I expected my face to kiss the pavement, I felt two arms wrapped around my waist and whispered, "Whoah there, lieutenant. Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours destroyed, would we?"

And I finally saw whom I wanted to. Darren.

"Uncle A told me that you and your Dad are mad, lieutenant. What happened?" he asked with concern.

"Let' get to Becca's front lawn first, ya dork." I smiled.

"We are here, dumbbutt."

"We are?"

"Yeah we are."

"I need to sue Bex."


"Her rock made me trip."

"I'm pretty sure that's just your stupidity, love."

"Not quite sure about that too, love."


Becca and JK greeted me with open arms as I walked past the doors. First I heard was Becca, "What's wrong darling."

JK sighed, "Your eyes are red. Did Darren make you cry?"

"Becca, Code Blue."

Her eyes widened. "Oh crap."


Before you slam your head on a wall, we three, made codes if one of us is in need of the aid of the other two. For example, Code Pink was we need Becca's answers because we've got no homework, or Code Magenta if some of us was put in detention, or perhaps Code Red when we felt something not supposed to be felt for someone, and Code Blue, the sister mishap.

"Bex, what's a code blue?" JK asked in confusion, as I turned to face him. "I'll tell you, J."

Darren put his arms gently on my two shoulders, and pushed me to sit down, he pulled me towards his body, like I was a vulnerable porcelain doll, as I took a deep breath and began. "Code Blue stands for Victoria Louise Fuentabella, who was my older sister."

JK asked, "Was?"

Darren's grip on me got tighter. "Yeah, was."

I felt myself breaking but still staying strong. Ironic though. But, "Tori was my older sister who was the perfect girl which my parents wanted. She was 2 years younger than Marcus, and 8 years older than me. She got perfect grades, every school wanted her because of her personality, and she passed at her dream school. The same school my parents forcing me to go to."

"At first, Victoria was all fine and healthy, until she just fainted and my mother panicked. Already sending her to the hospital. I was 7 when we discovered that she had lung cancer. And so my parents tried to heal her. But there was no use. Two years later she was gone. No more Tori. And so my parents dreams for Tori, was passed to me."

"And when I talk about dreams, I'm talking about studying in that school in Australia, completely focusing on studies and be flawless. Complete perfection. My parents said that if they knew that I fooked up there, ((yeah sorry i bet you know what that means lol)) they would disown me."

"So yeah, that's who Victoria Louise was. A dream forgotten."

So I caught on my breath, with Darren by my side, Becca stitched with a frown, and a speechless JK.

"Oh." he said.

"That's right. Oh."


im so sorry loves. so much so so much. you know graduating students. busy as ffff. but hey, gonna finish this stosry this week loves. x

ilysm :* :*

and thank you so so so much for your endless love and support (fotek parang nangangandidato ah lol) and i love you all my lovelies for that.

you literally changed my life.

ily all so much :*


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