[11] Battle Rounds

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Updating bc you're all awesome foh making this storeh have 2-point-something thousand reads and tbh, I LOVE YOU ALL *sends virtual hugs and kisses*


Chapter 11: Battle Rounds


I love to see Darren's success rise up and see him fulfilling his dreams. I feel like a proud mother. When we were best friends, which was like, at the age of 6, he was the awkward little boy at the back of the class and I was the talkative little brat who thought she was cool because she had light-up rubber shoes.

Embarrasing, I know.

But of course, everyone has fears. And mine just happened to be losing him. I know Darren's humble and kind, but there's still a chance that he could forget me, and wake up with amnesia and forget what happened between us, as friends.

(i'm a big fan of limang segundo ng tag-init lol and isang direksiyon, at madami pang iba [dahil hindi ko sila matagalog lol])

I took my shower and wore a a black muscle tank with 'Misfits' written on it, with a white skater skirt, with my knee-length black socks and combat boots. (a/n lol: im obsessed with combat boots so expect her and becca to wear a lot of those XD XD) And s for my hair, I tied it up as a messy bun, creating a look that I usually wore in Canada.

How I miss that country.

But anyways, mum and dad (got influenced by Becca's british-ness) will visit me here again, and I hope they will accept my offer on home-schooling here in the PH. I'm getting Uncle Aldrin to watch the battles with me, because I didn't want Darren to worry for me, since he's going to sing a whole lot better.

Uncle Aldrin then knocks on my door, "Margo, we need to go." and I reply with a quick "Alrighty!"


We were at the studio, Uncle Aldrin instantly greeting his colleagues and acquaintances. Just moments after, my uncle introduced me to some kid with curly hair, and no, its not Harry Styles nor Marcus Fuentabella. Just no. "Margo, this is Juan Karlos. He's the nephew of my best friend." he said.

Wait a minute. "Hey," I said, "Do you I happen to know you? Because you seem familiar..."

"You're Becca's best friend are you?" he smirked. I nod. "Well, she and I are close friends and I guess we are too."

assuming to'ng bata'ng to ah.

I smile na lang. "Well, good luck Juan Karlos."

"JK. Please call me JK."

I nod again since I don't want to respond anymore. When I was about to walk away and sit on the seats, someone hugged me from behind and nuzzled their head to my neck. "Who the-"

"So you're not going to talk to me huh?" I know that voice anywhere.

"Hey D. Good luck by the way." I say, turning backwards to face him. I envelope him into a hug. "I already got my lucky charm." he winked.

"Wait wait wait, have you met JK, lieutenant?" he asks. "If you haven't, come on bro. COME ON." he insisted.

"D, I still haven't replied. Yes, I have me him. He's the nephew of Uncle's best friend, and he's close with Bex." his eyes widen. "Bex? As in, Becca Louise Robinson?"


"Well isn't that weird."


everyone else in the room can see it,

everyone else but you!

Darren sings as he points at me. He winks, and I wink back. That's when I felt Uncle Aldrin nudging me in the ribs. "ooh. Margo's got a boyfriend." I feel my cheeks go red.

so c-c-come on, you got it wrong.

to prove i'm right i put it in a so-o-ong.

He does this kind of adorable and charming dance that made Coach Lea go into hysterics. I'll admit, he kinda did made me feel tingles. Syet kakilig.


"I pick Darren."  Coach Sarah says.


After the things they done in that episode,

"YOU DID GREAT D!" I hug him while he spins me. "Thanks M." he smiled. "See, I told you, you were my lucky charm."

"You would've still made it without me."

"I beg to differ."

"Well, I would like to offer you a chance to my victory party, wrong choice of words I know Margo; stop being a grammar nazi for once - but I would like to spend time with my family for once." he laughed. I smile. "Nah it's fine really. And you're really bad at lying Darren."

He laughs his head off again. "You know me too much Margo."

I sigh. "I know."


Meanwhile at Uncle Aldrin's Residence,

"Mummy! Daddy!" I greet them as I run into their arms. I kiss them both on the cheeks. "Where's Mark?"

"He got a late ticket. He'll follow."

"How are my beloved parents?"

"Fine my sweet." Daddy answered. "Nice videos by the way." he winked.

What is with this family in winking

"Anyways," mum began. "We have a gift imported from Manchester."


"Hello Margo Fuentabella." she greets in her posh, british accent.

"Hi to you too, Becca Robinson."

We couldn't keep up the serious-facade and the best-buddy cells are tingling, we had to hug. "I missed you Becca."

"Miss you too Margo."

"How long are you going to stay?"

"A week and 2 days." she smiles. YES!

Daddy began to cough and got our attention, "Now, I want to see my future son-in-law. Where's Darren?"


Margo's Dad is AWESOME lol

anyways i got my feedback and you already know who you are. God bless your beautiful mind.

So, I'm sorta obsessed with florals right now. And on the side is a typography (well, sort of) i made. >>>>> check it out

well, and WOAH 2K? THANK YOU SO MUCH. I Will forever be grateful for you, my lovelies, reading my stories (even though it sucks)

love you my lovelies :*


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