Domestic Sam+ Grizz

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Two things were bothering Sam that night: Becca's complaints over Eden's non-Stop crying, and Grizz not being home yet. He had rocked the small child, burped her, and changed her three times in less than 5 hours. He felt like he might explode. Becca did her best, finally the resolution they came to was: she was tired. The small newborn, just shy of two months old, was exhausted. A whole day in the life of being catered to at your every need, could be rather exhausting after all.

Sam sat besides Becca, a large smile on his face, as Eden lightly cooed and drifted to sleep in Becca's arms. Eden was beautiful, perfect. He never imagined having a little family of his own, and yet he did. Whilst not in the universe he had imagined, it was still perfect in its own way.

It was then that he noticed the time; 11:49pm. Grizz still wasn't home. He usually came home around 10, and it was over an hour past that. He was about to take out his phone, when he saw the front door open out of the corner of his eye.

Grizz came into view, and to say he was looking a little worse for wear would be an understatement. His usual topknot was nearly loose, only a few strands were still held up by his ponytail. Large crescent shaped patches of blue hung below his eyes, and his skin looked ashen underneath the clumps of dirt and stains of sweat. His clothes clung to him; despite the weather outside being beyond freezing.

"Sorry I'm late" Grizz signed, smiling slightly at the sight of his partner and new friend, Becca, slumped on the couch. "I had to rescue more crops than I had imagined, hardly anyone showed up today to get the last few remains of the harvest before it starts to freeze over. It was all up to me. As always.." he drifted off with his signing, his head hanging low. He looked defeated.

Sam glanced down at the now sleeping Becca and Eden. "Let me get them to bed, alright? And then, it'll just be me and you tonight alright?" Sam asked, feeling deserpate to help Grizz in his current state.

Grizz sat down at the kitchen table, knowing Becca would throw a fit if he were to get mud all over the couch. "That would be lovely." He signed, giving Sam a small smile.

Grizz watched as Sam nudged Becca awake carefully, taking Eden into one arm, and placing his other behind Becca as he lead them up the stairs. Eden hadn't stirred. It made Grizz's heart melt at the sight of the man he cared for so deeply, being a father. Initially it upset him, the aspect of having to share Sam, let alone the thought of breaking up a family. But, with a little explanation on behalf of Becca and Sam, Grizz's anxieties had long passed. Now, all he felt was adoration towards the little family, one he felt he was a part of. Becca relied on him for any heavy work done in the house, seeing as Sam wasn't nearly as physically strong as Grizz. Grizz relied on Becca for advice and for friendly comfort when Sam was working at the Library.

But there was a strain on their relationship. It felt like Sam was never his. But then again, he wasn't just his. And he never had been. But on nights like these, all Grizz wanted was for Sam to hold him, show him that he was wanted, rather than relied on or needed. He wanted to feel needed in a romantic way, not just a work related way.

As if on cue, Sam arrived downstairs and stood in front of Grizz. "You look tired." Sam stated flatly.

Grizz chuckled. "That's putting it lightly."

Sam placed a hand on Grizz's shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. "How about, I get you cleaned up? Well, both of us. I'm covered in baby vomit. And then we relax, spend some time just us?"

"What about-"

Sam cut Grizz off by holding up a hand, "Becca said she's got Eden for the night. She agreed, the two of us need some alone time."

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