Coffee Shop AU part 4

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One week later

Sam didn't know when or how it happened, all he knew was that he was a mess and his world was falling down around him. It started with a text from his mother, showing a photo and asking why Sam hadn't told her he was gay. Then a call from his father. Then his aunt. Then his grandmother. Thanksgiving dinner was around the corner, and he was dreading it. Sam eventually realized how he had been outed: Campbell. Campbell must have come to his dorm the other night when Grizz was there and taken that picture. But that didn't matter now. What mattered was that Sam's secret was out, and he had no idea how to handle it.

Grizz was worried for Sam, deeply worried. He had been a wreck lately, hardly texting him or answering his face time calls. He knew what had happened to Sam, and all he wanted to do was help. Grizz wanted nothing more than to ease Sam's troubles, and he had just the perfect idea to do it.

Grizz invited Sam over to his apartment, picking him up and bringing him there. He knew Sam needed to get away from everything, so he figured his place would be better. Grizz was awfully shocked Sam said yes.

"Sorry its a bit of a mess." Grizz signed, welcoming Sam inside.

Sam shrugged. "It's okay. Your place is nice."

Grizz knew that was a lie. But, he couldn't blame Sam. Grizz lived in a small loft; the most he could afford as a college student in Boston. It wasn't awful by any means, just extremely small. "Have a seat." Grizz offered, pulling down his bed from inside the wall and turning on the TV. "Sorry it's so small here. I figured you'd want to get away from everything for a bit."

Sam gave him a small smile, sitting down next to Grizz on his bed. "Thanks. I don't mind. As long as I'm not back at school."

"Do you smoke, Sam?" Grizz asked, pulling out a small cookie tin from besides his bed.

Sam shook his head. "No. I tried it once in high school but never got high or anything."

"Would you like to? It'll help you relax for a bit. No pressure though, of course." Grizz said, giving Sam a reassuring smile.

Sam thought for a moment. He didn't see the harm in it. "I'll take a few hits, sure."

Sam watched as Grizz, with skilled hands, rolled a joint expertly. He watched as Grizz took the joint between his lips and brought a lighter to the end, igniting the flame. The smoke came tumbling out from the end and clouded around Grizz's face; when the smoke was in his eyes, he looked so alive.

He inhaled deeply before passing the joint to Sam. "Take it." He said softly.

Sam took the joint between his fingers and inhaled a bit, only enough to feel the burn in his throat, before exhaling, coughing. Grizz laughed at Sam's inexperienced lungs. "Shut up." Sam said through his coughs, passing the joint back to Grizz.

The two passed the joint back and forth until it was cashed, Grizz tossing it in the ash tray. Sam felt fuzzy, but in a good way. His worries had faded to the back of his mind, and all he could think about then and there was how high he felt. Grizz was in the same boat, high as a kite and only thinking about Sam. He could tell that Sam felt better, but he'd like to think his presence had some affect as the weed did.

"Hey Sam?" Grizz said after a few moments.

Sam noticed how time had seemed to slow down, making Grizz's lips easier to read. "Yeah?"

"Do you.... do you feel good around me? I mean, we've been going out for awhile now, do I make you happy at all?" Grizz was suddenly very aware of his own insecurities.

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