Roomates: Chapter 2

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(Trigger warning!!)

Later that evening, Sam's best friend Becca Gelb came over telling Sam and Grizz about a frat party happening that night.

"You should come with us, Grizz!" Becca said, signing along to her words so Sam could understand.

Grizz scrunched up his nose at the thought. "I would, but I shouldn't. I'm trying to get away from the part scene."

Becca cocked her head, "Classes don't start for another few days. And besides you don't have to drink. It'll be a great way for you to meet new people sense you just transferred here. Please?" She said, batting her eyes at him.

Grizz glanced at Sam and could see him repeating her actions, only his puppy dog eyes were a lot more convincing. "Alright, fine."


The frat house was packed to the brim with people, Loud music vibrated the floorboards, and bright lights shone around the main floor. Bodies collided in some strange form of dancing, glistening with sweat, the smell of alcohol and weed in the air. It was just how Grizz remembered it. Only now, he was completely sober. Sam and Becca had introduced him to at least 29 people, none of which's names he'd remember later on. Now, he sat besides Becca as she recorded the party on her phone, watching Sam as he talked to some guy on the dance floor. Sam had had quite a few drinks, unlike Becca and Grizz who had had none.

"Why are you recording?" Grizz eventually shouted at Becca over the music.

Becca shrugged. "It's what I do; observe people. Document their behavior. It's a habit I guess."

"Why don't you join Sam? It was your idea to come after all."

Becca glanced at Grizz and shut her phone off. "I don't really like parties. I hate pretending to like the taste of alcohol. But, I like to observe. Sam, on the other hand, loves an occasional party. An excuse to drink and dance without responsibility looming over him. He doesn't do it often, mind you, but when he does he does."

Grizz glanced Over at Sam again. Only now, he was sloppily dancing with the guy he had been talking to; the taller mans hands on Sam's hips and his eyes glued to Sam's body. The sight of it made Grizz feel... off. He didn't like it. The guy wasn't bad looking per say, he just seemed sketchy. His floppy blonde hair and short yet stocky form was hovering over Sam. His eyes practically undressing him. It made Grizz feel sick to his stomach for some reason.

"Is that one of Sam's friends or something? His boyfriend maybe?" Grizz asked.

Becca shook her head, taking a sip of her drink. "Nope. He isn't Sam's type. But, considering how much Sam's had to drink, now he probably is." She smirked.

Grizz let out a sigh. "I'm going to get some air." He announced, feeling suddenly nauseated and overwhelmed.

Taking a step outside and breathing in the cool New England fall air, Grizz felt his nausea subsiding. He witnessed several girls throwing up in the yard, as well as a group of guys in letterman jackets passing around a joint. Now, that was his kind of party. And he desperately needed something to take his newfound edge off. Besides, it was time he met his fellow teammates anyway.

An hour or so had passed, and Grizz was stoned out of his mind, sitting in the grass and talking to his new teammates. The three he had met and gotten high with were named Clarke, Jason and Luke. Clarke and Jason didn't appear to have many brain cells left, Grizz assumed it was from the pot. But Luke, on the other hand actually had a lot to say. He was in an in depth conversation with Luke about some conspiracy theories when someone tapped on his shoulder. He turned around to see Becca.

"Grizz! Have you seen Sam? I can't find him anywhere and I'm ready to leave. Some of these guys are seriously gropey."

Grizz sighed, "No, I haven't seen him." He could see the distress on her face and rose to his feet, saying goodbye to Luke. "I'll go inside to look for him, you can stay here while I look alright?"

Becca nodded. "Thank you, I really do not want to go back in there. It's too much."

"Not a problem. I'll be right back."

Grizz made his way inside and scouted out the first floor of the frat house. Parting seas of drunk people and examining each face in his path. The kitchen was a bust. The makeshift dance floor was one too. So he made his way upstairs. The first room Grizz entered was a bathroom, which held a girl throwing up and another girl holding back her long hair that appeared to already have vomit in it. The second room was a bedroom that was empty and dark. The third was a small library with a bunch of more jocks getting high. Room after room Grizz examined and no sight of Sam. Finally he came across the last bedroom on the third floor, and what he found horrified him.

Sam was sprawled out on the bed, his hair in his face and muttering beneath his breath; his eyes opening and closing, seemingly lethargic and obviously way too drunk. The young man from before was on top of him, his hands trying to unbuckle Sam's pants while Sam tried to bat his hands away, but to little effort. All it took was to hear what the man was saying to Sam for Grizz to set into action.

"Come on, you don't want to go home. Don't you want me? Come on Sam, it's fine. Just relax."

Grizz could hear Sam murmuring 'no's beneath his breath and Grizz saw red, pouncing forward and ripping the man off of Sam, shoving him backwards. "Hey! Get off of him. Didn't you hear him say no?"

The man shoved Grizz back. His breath wreaking of alcohol. "Oh come on, it's not like he can even hear himself say it. Why don't you mind your own business?" He slurred.

Grizz shoved him back again, he towered over the drunk man by a foot easily. "I just made it my business. Now leave." He barked, shoving the man out of the door and closing it, immediately rushing to Sam's side.

When he got to Sam, he felt his whole heart crumble. Sam had bruises on his neck, made by a pair of hands, along with tears steaming down his face. His exposed chest was covered in sweat and his pants were unbuckled.

"Sam? Sam!" Grizz kneeled next to Sam on the bed and shook his shoulders. Sam immedialttt went into the defense again, only to drunkenly open his eyes and see Grizz, instantly relaxing. "Hey, it's me. Grizz. Did he touch you?"

"He- he t-tried. B-but he didn't. You stopped him... Grizz take me back to the d-dorm. P-please." Sam slurred into Grizz's shoulder as he slumped against him.

Grizz scooped Sam into his arms bridal style, carrying him back to the dorm.

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