Quarentine AU part 9

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**later that evening**

"So... when were  you going to tell me you were going to have a baby?" Grizz asked, his hands on his hips.

Sam shrugged, his heart felt heavy. "I know I should have told you-"

"We were talking for hours." Grizz interjected.

Sam sighed. Signing as he spoke; "I know but... finding you, I didn't want to mess it up, I was so excited."

"So excited you forgot you were a dad?" Grizz asked in total disbelief.

"Yes, I know it sounds crazy." Sam began, getting frustrated, trying to think of what him and Becca had agreed on telling people along with not wanting to lie to Grizz at all. He was conflicted. "Look," he tried to find the right words to say, his eyes threatening to spill over with tears, his hands fidgeting, "I was lonely. Becca's my best friend, I used to fall asleep at her house. And.. one time, I don't know, it just happened." Sam tried to reason with Grizz. "You've slept with girls."

"Yeah, but I'm not having a baby." Grizz said, matter of factly. His eyes already watering.

"It wasn't on purpose!" Sam's voice cracked, he could feel himself loosing control over it the more emotional he got. "But then, this quarantine happened- I'm just trying to make the best out of it."

"Does she know that's all this is? Because she seems to think that you two are together like a happy couple or something-"

"You're talking too fast!" Sam said, unable to read Grizz's lips.

"I'm talking too fast? Okay, how about this:" Grizz began, his anger getting the best of him, "Does. She. Know. Who. You. Are.?" He signed along to the words he knew to get his point across as tears of betrayal and anger spilled over.

Sam sighed, seeing the anger in Grizz's eyes mixed with his tears made Sam's own tears spill over. He felt hurt, though he knew he deserved it. "Yes. But I can't upset her now, her parents just found out."

Grizz took in a shaky breath, tears spilling down his cheeks as he fought to stand his ground. "So what are we going to do, Sam? You going to be like one of those secret married gay dudes from the dinosaur age? We're gunna sneak around?"

Sam's heart was in his throat, he was struggling to keep from breaking down. He firmly shook his head. Closing his eyes for a moment to compose himself before looking at Grizz again. "No.... I don't know."

"We're stuck in a fucking quarantine, in a pandemic with no guarantee of either of us making it out alive; how do you want to live, Sam?"

"I promised-"

"What about us?"

"I don't know! Okay?"

Grizz turned his back on Sam, wiping away at his eyes. He hated this. He hated this so much. Just when he thought everything was falling into place, it had all been ripped from him in an instant.

Sam couldn't take the silence anymore, his heart felt like it was breaking in two. He had hurt grizz. That was evident. And now he was lying to him. And it was tearing him in two. "I'm just going to go..." Sam said out loud, waiting, hoping Grizz would stop him. Only he didn't. He remained with his back turned to him.

With a final sigh, Sam left.


**three days later, Becca's house.***

Sam sat on Becca's bed, Becca on one end and him on the other, the pair doing their homework.  Becca's parents had insisted they keep the door open, as if she could get double pregnant or something. Becca could sense something was off with Sam, he had been acting strange the past few days. Less talkative, hardly any joke making, always staring off into space. Even now, he wasn't reading his textbook at all, his eyes were glued to the same spot; his phone. As if he were waiting for a text or something. Becca had her suspicions it was Grizz that Sam was waiting for a text from. Though, unlike before, Becca hadn't heard Sam mention Grizz one time the past few days.

Finally she tossed her pen at him to get his attention.

Sam jumped. "What the hell?" He signed.

Becca raised an eyebrow at him. "What's wrong?" She signed. "I can tell there's something. You're not yourself lately. And don't lie and say you're fine. I know you."

Sam sighed. He figured he'd have to tell Becca sooner or later. It was eating at him anyways. Closing his book and sitting up, Sam told Becca everything; from him and Grizz's kiss, to their sleeping together, then to Grizz finding out about the baby and Sam being the 'father'. Then to their fight. And how much it was tearing Sam apart. By the end, Sam was crying into his hands, and Becca felt incredibly guilty.

Scooting closer to Sam, she wrapped an arm around him, leaning her head on his shoulder and running her hand along his shoulders to calm him down. Once he finally looked up from between his hands, she spoke. "Text him. Tell him to meet us in my driveway."


Becca sighed. "He needs to hear the truth. For both of your sakes. Well, at least that you're not the dad. And he'll only believe it if it comes from me. Especially since you lied to him once. I'll tell him you lied because we promised you would, to protect me. But he also needs to know that this secret stays between us, and to the rest of the world, including my parents, you're the dad. If he can't live with that, then he isn't the one for you. You also owe him an apology."

"Do I ever get to know the truth? About who the real dad is?"

Becca shot him a glare. "For the 100th time, no. Not yet anyway... now, text him."


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