Hold me close so i can finally breathe

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Grizz's heart felt heavy, his mind wondering a mile a minute. How could this have happened? How could he have been so naive? For a moment, he had actually had hope; he had believed he could be happy. But, of course, he had been wrong. He had been so so wrong. When they had found land and food and water, Grizz had walked back to New Ham with a new found sense of hope. But now? After being back for less than a day? Grizz felt depleted. All of his hopefulness diminished. After hours of pointless arguing with both Campbell and Harry, Grizz had returned home, or, to his former home rather. Now it was more of just a house with his memories in it, except now it was full of people that weren't his family. Grizz happily locked himself in his room, anxious to be alone for awhile with his thoughts. And god were his thoughts running wild. Oddly enough, they weren't about the coupe or any of that, but rather, he was thinking of Sam.

A large part of him still felt betrayed by Sam, Sam having lied to him. Well, he hadn't been fully honest about his situation anyway. He was the father to Becca's baby, for Christ's sake! How could he have not told Grizz that somewhere between Grizz trying to impress him and them sleeping together? You'd think that would come up.

On the other hand, Grizz longed for Sam now more than ever. He needed Sam there. After the long harrowing week, all Grizz wanted was to be in Sam's arms, to feel his gentle touch, and to kiss his plump lips. Maybe if he had that, everything would feel alright again. After all, the only time things had felt alright ever since they had fallen into this new universe was when Grizz was tangled up with Sam in his bed just one short week ago.

Grizz thought back to that day, that wonderful perfect day he had with Sam. It was the first day in Grizz' entire life where he had been allowed to be himself completely. Where he felt comfortable enough to do so. He remembered how soft Sam's touch was, how reassuring his gaze, how safe his arms felt. Sam's eyes, they had showed all of his emotions an vulnerability. They had allowed Grizz to be vulnerable. His arms had allowed Grizz to feel safe. With Sam, Grizz was able to mentally escape from this terrible new world for a few hours. God, he longed to feel that way again. And he knew only Sam could bring him such a feeling.

He reached for his phone, but hesitated. Could he face Sam again after what had happened? Sure, they had kissed, and Grizz had promised to see him soon. But certain memories and facts haunted Grizz. And god, so much had changed. In only a week not only had their new worlds government been flipped upside down, but Sam had had a baby well, not literally. Becca had had a baby. But that baby was Sam's. Swallowing his pride, he texted Sam 

To Sam, from Grizz: Hey. 

Sam was feeling many things; conflicted, worried, above all, exhausted. Who knew new born babies were so much work?! He sat in the chair beside Becca's bed, where he had remained for the past week since Eden, Becca's baby, had been born. Of course, he had gotten up from the chair many times; changing diapers, coming to Becca's aid when she was too exhausted to claim the child, even helping Becca breastfeed. Which, to say the least, was traumatizing. But, he refused to sleep anywhere else but the chair, he was almost scared if he left for more than a quick bathroom break, all hell would break loose. Which, it seemed every time he did, it had. 

Sam was just about to drift off to sleep when he caught a glimpse of his phone lighting up on the table beside him, making him alert. Rising from his seat, and feeling every vertebrae in his spine crack in the process, Sam grabbed his phone. His heart nearly stopping when he saw who the text was from: Grizz. Grizz... 

Grizz had been the main subject of Sam's thoughts for the past week and a half, a part from baby duty (literally). He was worried constantly for Grizz; he had been gone for what seemed like ages off on a mission in the middle of god knows what, with his return never guaranteed. One of the main reasons Sam didn't want to leave that damned chair was because he was scared he would miss news on Grizz. The only thing that had held Sam together was Grizz's final words to him; I'll See You Soon. Sam had feared those would be the last words he ever heard from Grizz; an unkempt promise. But, now that had been proven to be false, his anxieties rested all with one text message. 'Hey'. Hey. What a perfect word for Sam to hear at a time like this. That word lead to many other words. Promises even. A promise for a conversation. A reassurance that Grizz had kept his original promise and not forgotten about him. Reassurance that Grizz was alive 

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