I Wish I Could Go Back- Part 9

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Sam woke late the next morning, his body aching and slightly sore. Grizz had been gently that night, making sure to hold him up in the shower to clean him off, and even rubbing his back and legs for him. The gestures were not missed by Sam. He was grateful for them and longed to express that to Grizz. He didn't bother to open his eyes, he simply felt around the other side of the bed, only to find it empty. 'Maybe he went to the bathroom.' He thought. So he waited, and waited.

Finally, after five or so minutes had passed, Sam gave up on waiting. Only to open his eyes and see Grizz, sitting up straight in bed, with his phone in his hands. He was partially dressed, and at least a foot or so away from Sam.

Sam rubbed at his tired eyes. "Morning." He mumbled.

Grizz barely noticed him. He didn't address him or repeat the sentiment. It was then Sam noticed that Grizz had Sam's phone in his hands, not his own.

"Grizz? What are you doing?" Sam asked tiredly, slowly rising to a sitting position. Wincing when the pain form his rear came to bite him in the ass, literally.

"W-who's Chance?" Grizz stammered. But Sam didn't understand him.

"Grizz? I didn't catch that, please look at me when you talk." He noticed the tears glistening in his eyes lit by the sunlight flooded through the apartment. "What's wrong?"

Sam sat up and placed a hand on Grizz's arm, concern flooding his senses. He hated to see Grizz in pain, it made his heart break at the sight of it. His eyes were so dark yet filled with so many unfathomable emotions. leaning over to see what had made Grizz so upset. As his tried eyes focused on the screen, he saw it was on his messages app. There were several missed texts from Chance, his ex.

"Your phone kept going off, I thought it might be important so I picked it up. Saw that.."

"Grizz," Sam began, reaching for his phone, "Let me explain okay? It isn't what you think."

But Grizz cut him off, rising to his feet and hurling Sam's phone across the bed. "It isn't what i think?" Grizz signed, now turned to face Sam. His large figure towered over him. "You have some guy texting you that he loves you and sending you nudes, Sam! What else am I supposed to think?"

His hands were shaking with anger, obviously finding it difficult to sign properly when emotional. Sam could tell he was angry, that he was shouting. Tears spilled down his face as he stood there, hovering over Sam, partially clothed. Clad in only a pair of boxers.

"Grizz, please listen to me-"

"Listen to you?" Grizz repeated, running his fingers through his hair. "I took off work for this! I spent over 200$ on a plane ticket and hotel room to spend my weekend with you! I paid a ridiculous amount of money for a nice suit! I asked you to be mine last night , Sam. I've waited patiently for you for 5 months! And where did that bring me, huh?" He stopped signing for a moment. His hands were trembling. "I've done so much, Sam. And I was prepared to do so much more. Do you know how much this fucking hurts? Do you have any idea how this makes me feel? I get that you have needs, but so do I!"

Sam took this opportunity to scoot over to the edge of the bed, reaching up to grab Grizz's hand. "Grizz please."

Grizz snatched his hand away, "don't!" He sobbed. Sam watched with wide eyes as Grizz stalked over a few paces and hurtled his fist into the wall, not even reacting to the pain the exposed brick must have caused. He ran his fingers through his hair again, his knuckles bleeding. "Please just. Don't touch me. Especially when I know now that you've been touching someone else-"

"I haven't touched anyone else. At all. Not until last night. And not since the last time we were together."

Grizz stopped dead in his tracks. "What? But that guy-"

"Sit down. Please." Grizz did as he was told, sitting besides Sam on the edge of the bed. "Grizz, that was the guy I told you about that I was supposed to take with me as my date to the reunion?" Grizz nodded in understanding. "He gets drunk and texts me. He's done it three times. Well, four now. If you read through the messages, I haven't replied once. I should have told you, and I'm sorry." He wiped a tear from Grizz's cheek. "But I promise you I haven't spoken to him or seen him since you came along. I would never do that to you." He sighed, his heart aching from seeing Grizz in his current state. "What happened between us was real. I want you, only you. I promise. Okay?"

Grizz sniffled, turning to Sam. "Okay." He chokes out, wiping away his tears. "I'm sorry I overreacted. I just.. I'm so scared, Sam."

Sam raised an eyebrow, "of what?"

"Loosing you. I've never... Ive never cared this much for someone else. Especially not so soon. But Sam, I care about you. And I can't stand the thought of loosing you. Or the thought of you with someone else. I just can't."

"Oh, baby, that's never going to happen." Sam said, tears springing to his eyes as he kissed Grizz's cheek softly. "There's only you. I only want you and I'm not going anywhere. I promise. He's nothing to me. I swear. That ship sailed long ago."

Grizz placed his bleeding hand on Sam's knee. "He's... he's a lot better looking than I am though. Obviously he lives around here. It would be, more convenient for you I guess." He sniffled out, signing one handed.

Sam grabbed some tissues from his nightstand, and began delicately dabbing the blood from Grizz's hand. "He has nothing compared to you. In more ways than one." Sam began.

"Yeah but, i don't know...I've heard things about what I look like and I just. I don't know..." Grizz trailed off. "I've been told I'm too tall and too muscular. That I'm disproportionate and weird looking. I just get insecure sometimes about my looks."

Sam sighed. "Grizz look at me. You are beautiful. There's nothing ugly about you. Screw what anyone else has ever said. They're obviously blind. And with the distance thing, obviously I want to make us work. Distance doesn't matter. Chance was... probably the worst person I've ever been with. He was horrible to me. I thought that's what I deserved. But you? You make me feel like I deserve to be cared for and respected. You took sign language lessons for me! No ones ever done that. Especially not him. He tried to make me speak all the time. You're so special to me, Grizz. Even when you punch my wall only to have it punch you back."

Grizz chuckled through his tears. "Sam, can you teach me a phrase in sign language?"

Sam glanced up and smiled, nodding.

"How do you say, I love you?"

Sam smiled as wide as he ever had, signing the words for him, before kissing his lips sweetly. "I love you too." He signed, kissing him again. "Now, breakfast?"

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