Bookstore AU- Chapter 2

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Sam had had a long day in lectures and was eager to get back to him and Becca's, as well as her girlfriend Kelly's, apartment. They had all moved up to NYC just a few short months prior and shared a small two bedroom apartment. Kelly and Becca in one room, Sam in the other. Sam had come here for his degree to become an interpreter, Becca for photography school, and kelly for nursing. They knew their old small town had little to offer them and so, they took a trip up to NYC and vowed to not return to West Ham.

All day Sam had been distracted. His mind wondering to the cute boy with the goofy smile and funny name that worked in the bookstore. It was all Sam could think about the entire day. He hadn't even taken any notes like he probably should have, he just daydreamed.

As Sam got into the apartment he could smell pasta being cooked, making his stomach grumble. He had forgotten that he hadn't eaten lunch that day. "I'm home!" Sam called, closing the door behind him and meeting Becca in the kitchen. Kelly wouldn't be home for another few hours seeing as nursing school involved a lot of late nights.

"Hey! How was your first day?" Becca asked, signing to Sam one handed as she stirred the pasta with the other.

Sam shrugged. "Fine I guess. Classes are long. Boring. A lot of old men lecturing , the usual." Sam walked over to her. "Though my morning was kinda amazing."

Becca raised an eyebrow "Oh?"

Sam was already beaming. "I met a guy. At the bookstore. You know the one right by the Starbucks off campus?"

"I know the one. Was it the tall one with the long-ish black hair and man bun?" Sam nodded. "Oh! He didn't strike me as gay. Wait- is he?"

Sam shrugged again. "I don't know., I only just met him! I wasn't about to ask his sexuality. But he was so sweet and helpful and just- perfect. He even paid for part of the book I bought because I didn't have the right amount of change."

"What book?" Becca asked.

"That isn't the point here, Becca. A hot guy actually was nice to me! I mean sure, it's his job but still." Sam handed the book to her.

She opened it where the receipt sat and smiled. "Sam... I think he's gay for sure."

Sam perked up. "What makes you say that?"

"His number is on the receipt."

"Let me see that......" Sam's eyes went wide as he scanned over the receipt. She was right. Grizz's number was on the receipt scribbled in his handwriting on the bottom. "Holy shit."

"You should text him." Becca said matter of factly. "You desperately need to get laid."


Becca just laughed and shrugged. "Well it's true. How long has it been anyway?"

Sam blushed.

"That's what I thought. Text him."


Grizz worked overtime that afternoon. For one reason and one reason only; to find a book on sign language. He searched the language section for hours until finally finding one. He paid for it and brought it home, neglecting his algebra homework, and practiced over and over. He knew it was silly. There was no certainty that Sam would text him or even that they'd see each other again, but Grizz didn't care. He had to take the chance.

Around 8pm Grizz had rehearsed the same phrase over and over when his roommate Luke came home.

"Hey man- what are you doing?"

Grizz looked away. " was class?"

Luke shrugged. "Long as hell. Seriously though, why are you reading a book on... British sign language?"

"I met a guy...."

Luke was smiling ear to ear. "My man! What's his name?"


"You're blushing. I haven't seen you blush over a guy in forever man. Good for you. Did you get his number?"

"Not exactly-" Grizz was cut off by the sound of his phone chiming.  He glanced at his screen, seeing it read: Incoming text from maybe, Sam? Slide to read.

He opened the text.

"Hey, it's Sam from the bookstore this morning. Funny I found your number on my receipt, do you give that to all yours customers? ;) "


"Becca! That's way too forward!" Sam protested, pulling his phone out of beccas hands.

"Too late, already sent."

"I hate you."

Becca rolled her eyes. "Oh please. You'll be saying quite the opposite later." She winked at him. G

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