Bookstore AU- Chapter 4

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Sam was elated when he got back home that night, smiling ear to ear. Becca was sitting in the living room, studying with Kelly when she saw Sam come in, noticing the smile on his face.

"I take it today went well then?" She signed, smirking.

Sam nodded, still beaming. "So well. And- for confirmation- he's gay. He's definitely gay. He said it was a date- us getting coffee."

Becca signed the signal for clapping. "I'm happy for you!"

"Thanks love."

Sam left the two girls to their studying and immediately went straight to his room, shutting the door behind him. He leaned against the door, smiling to himself. Grizz was amazing.

After finishing his homework, Sam pulled out his phone, texting Grizz.

To Grizz, from Sam: Hey, what are you up to?

Buzz buzz.

To Sam, from Grizz: Hey! Not much, just got home, today was great by the way. We should do it again sometime. :)

To Grizz, from Sam: I'd love that :) what are you doing this weekend ?

Buzz buzz.

To Sam, from Grizz: Nothing planned, I'm off all weekend from work so nothing. unless, you'd like to plan something ? Want to come to my place? I'd say we could go out but i don't get paid till Monday. You can teach me more sign! I've been practicing ;)

Sam blushed reading the message. Surely Grizz didn't mean 'sex' by 'come over to my place' right? Sam couldn't help but wonder....

To Grizz, from Sam: sure! Love to. And I'll have to see how good you've gotten.

Buzz buzz

To Sam , from Grizz: Awesome! I can cook you some lunch maybe? Saturday sound good? Around noon?

To Grizz, from Sam: sounds like a plan :)



Grizz had cleaned his small apartment about ten times over. Luke was visiting his parents Friday night and wouldn't be back till late today, so he figured he and Sam would have plenty of time to themselves. Then it hit him; he had technically never been alone with Sam before. Sure they were alone in the bookstore the first time they had met, but that had still been somewhat public. Now, Sam would be here in his apartment, just the two of them.

Grizz cooked them both some lunch, seeing as he wasn't the best cook, he went with the classic grilled cheese. Simple and cheap. He was a college student, after all. Soon, the doorbell rang and Grizz nearly jumped out of his skin. He double checked his appearance in the hallway mirror, he looked okay he thought. His hair was down and he was wearing a flannel and jeans. Finally, Grizz made his way to the front door and opened it.

Sam stood there in the hallway, looking gorgeous as ever. His ginger curls were nearly styled, and he wore a brown jacket with a flannel, a grey tshirt and tight fitting blue jeans that left nothing to the imagination. "Hey." Sam greeted.

"Hey... I'm so glad you made it, come on in." Grizz said, stumbling over his words.

Sam walked past Grizz and into the small studio apartment, and Grizz could smell his cologne and thought he might faint he smelled so good.

"Nice place." Sam complimented.

Grizz took out two plates and placed the grilled cheeses on each one, handing one to Sam and sitting down on the couch. "Thanks. Should I put on a movie or something?" Grizz suggested, signing the sign for thanks and movie.

Sam was impressed by the few signs Grizz remembered. "Yeah, thanks for lunch too by the way." Sam said quietly before taking a bite of his grilled cheese.

Sam felt so awkward at first, not to mention nervous. But after eating and settling on a movie, Sam felt much more comfortable. After the movie, the two sat practicing sign language. Sam was very pleased with how quickly Grizz was catching on. He'd be a pro in no time. Soon their conversation shifted to just getting to know each other.

"Yeah, I work in the library on campus...You have a lot of house plants by the way. They're pretty." Sam pointed out after awhile.

Grizz chuckled. "Yeah. I've always wanted a garden. This is the closest I'll get in the city though. You know, they say if you have a library and a garden you have all you need. It's.. C-I-C-E-R-O, I think." Grizz signed.

Sam smirked. "Cicero? Very smart."

Grizz laughed, "Why thank you so much."

Sam chuckled at Grizz's sarcasm and couldn't help but find his smile so endearing. Sam bit his lip, a single thought crossed his mind. "So... do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Have all you need?" Sam asked

Grizz sighed. "Almost."


It was getting late, however neither young man expressed any urges to depart from each other's company. They practiced sign language and talked. They sat face to face only inches apart on Grizz's futon, They had now crossed the subject of how Sam went deaf.

"I was three, maybe four. And I got meningitis." Sam explained.

Grizz was baffled. "Meningitis? Wow.. do you- do you remember hearing at all?"

Sam shrugged, thinking back. "Some. I remember my moms voice, the way she would sing to me and my brother Campbell. My dads laugh."

"Cool." Grizz signed.

"When i dream, I still dream with sound. But not new sounds"

This intrigued Grizz. "What would be a new sound?"

Sam sighed; thinking. "My voice. I remember it when I was a little kid. But I'm guessing it's a little deeper now." This made Grizz laugh. "I wish I could hear yours."

Grizz caught Sam's eye and his words brought Grizz nearly to tears. He wanted nothing more than to give that to Sam, or at least ease the pain in his eyes. More than anything, he wished he could kiss Sam. He had been thinking about it all night. "Could you uhm- could you teach me one more phrase in sign language?" Sam nodded. "How do you say 'kiss me'?"

Sam was shocked, but smiled nonetheless. He noticed how suddenly shy Grizz appeared. How his eyes were watery. How he wouldn't look Sam in the eye. He was nervous. Sam's heart was pounding, but he decided to take initiative. The room seemed to have raised in temperature as Sam leaned forward, cupping Grizz's cheeks slowly and hesitating for a moment, waiting for Grizz to pull away in case Sam had read the situation wrong. When he didn't, Sam, taking a deep breath, leaned in and kissed him.

Grizz was so shocked Sam actually had kissed him that for a moment he couldn't move, he felt frozen. In a matter of seconds, Grizz quickly found himself kissing Sam back. And god, did that feel amazing. Grizz felt his mind shut off completely and his heart pounding inside of his chest as his lips moved against Sam's. Everything that had built up to this exact moment had been well worth the wait.

Things turned heated rather quickly. Grizz pulled Sam into his lap by the backs of Sam's thighs, but Sam didn't mind at all, he was too consumed in the fact that he was kissing Grizz to care. Grizz's hands gripped Sam's hips as they kissed, his tongue teasing along Sam's bottom lip before nipping at it. Eliciting a moan from Sam. This only got Grizz riled up more, his hands traveling up Sam's back and back down, slipping beneath his shirt and-

"Oh my god! Grizz- what the hell man!" Luke's voice called out from the entryway.

Grizz was torn out of his bliss, pulling away from Sam and looking at Luke with wide eyes , causing Sam to turn around and immediately going red.

"Oops." Grizz muttered.

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