Jaxon's POV
Brett and I sat there watching the deceased women who looked just like our mates walk around the room talking up a storm while they laid everything out that the siblings must know. They tried to hide it but we kept hearing them talk about a traitor.
"Who is a traitor?" Brett finally asked making the elder ladies jump.
"No one yet" One of them said
"Then who will be" I asked
They looked at us then at each other taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out. "In our day our older brother betrayed us to the evil Sabrina. It was not his fault though. She put a spell on him making him think she was good and his own sisters where the evil that plagued the world and tried to turn it to darkness. She used him as our weakness. I don't know how much of our story you know but it is probably not all true." One said.
"Should we tell them Delilah?" The other said
"Someone should know the truth Delia" Delilah said.
"You boys will never remember the whole story though." Delia said
"I will be right back" I said as I jumped up and ran to grab a pencil and some paper. I rush back downstairs and sat back down by Brett who was looking at the ladies as curiously as I was. "Go ahead when your ready" I said they just stared at me like I was crazy. I cleared my throat "Begin your story when you are ready" I tried they shook their heads in understanding then sat down in front of us and began.
"We had just turned seventeen. We where coming into our powers years after our mother died giving birth to our youngest sibling. She did not make it either. Our father taught our brother how to hunt and we learned how to grow food. The day we turned seventeen we learned we where witches by the coven. They took us away from our family to train us as our mother had wanted before death. We trained for months and became to strong even for the whole coven. One night we heard two voices calling to us. So we left and followed what they said. That is how we met the last of the dragons. A male and female. I will say this the girls have to follow the voices and find the dragons we all thought long dead. We spent years training with them. They taught us to use all four elements. We could both use all four elements making us even stronger. After we mastered all four we went home only to find our father had died and our brothers where doing their best not to starve. They had had a drought and nothing was growing. So we worked together to save them. We made it rain and the sun shine so food would grow. We did everything we could but our younger brother was to weak and he died. A week after we buried him our older brother left us alone to go find food. He was going to trade our abundance of water for food. While he was gone we worked the land just as we did as young girls. We kept trying to grow our crop but nothing would grow. We decided to go see if we could trade water for seeds thinking our seeds went bad. At that time our brother had been gone a month. We feared him dead as well. We got lost and ended up in Blue Moon Pack. We had heard of werewolves in our training but we had never seen one before. They tied us up to a post and left us to starve. We where near death when a loud growl made us jump. We looked up and two men stood before us. They said we where their mates. We didn't believe them. They where cousins both alphas. They untied us and brought us back from the dead." Right then the lights began to flicker.
"Delia we are out of time" Delilah said.
" Remember they have to find the dragons we thought long dead. They must it is the only way. Oh and moon magic can only be learned from the dragons." Delia said before they disappeared. The three siblings crashed to the floor. We jumped up running to our mates. The energy their ancestors had used them for must have done a number on them. We carried the girls up to bed then went and grabbed their brother. We knocked on his room door and his mate answered. She looked like we where interrupting something. We took him to his bed and looked around. I just happened to glance in the bathroom and there was blood on the sink. She hurried over and closed the door. "I I hurt myself getting up from the bed to use the bathroom" she said.
"Are you alright do you need us to help, we can grab the first aide kit for you?" Brett asked.
"NNNo. I am qquite ffine thank you" she stuttered.
Now I was getting suspicious but I let it go for now and returned to my room to cuddle with my mate. I fell asleep with a bad feeling that I should have brought her brother to our room. I will just have to keep my eye on his mate. With that last thought I let sleep take over and welcomed the darkness.

The Prey
مستذئب**COMPLETE** Skye and Skyler Morgan identical twins lose their parents in a tragic car accident. At 16 they are in danger and they don't have a clue who is after them or why. They are on a hunt to figure out who they really are and why someone wants...