Wedding day Chapter 1

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I've been back in Kentucky for a month and a half now and it's already time for Ty's wedding. We have been so busy with the wedding I haven't talked to any of my friends here or in North Carolina and I feel lost.

I tried calling Nash a couple times but I guess he was busy. But I'm not just blaming it all on him, we spoke a couple times but we were both so busy.

I walked down stairs and my mom was running around the house like a chicken with out its head. "RENAE IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU WOKE UP I MEAN COME ON IT'S YOUR BROTHERS WEDDING DAY I NEED YOUR HELP!" I looked at her and rolled my eyes, I'm sure she didn't see cause she was have a mini panic attack.

I decided not to help her but go hang out with my cousin, Torrey. Torrey is two years younger than me but she is like my other half. "Hey loser." I said walking in to the guest bedroom where her and my aunt were staying. "Hey do you like ever knock?" She said and I started cracking up.

"Hey have you ever heard about magcon?" She asked me and I turned away from her and acted like I didn't know a thing "No, it looks like a great day out!" I said trying to change the subject, I don't think I even told Torrey about Nash and I. "No Renae you know something, I know you do!" I turned around to her "Torr I promise you I have no idea who you are even talking about!" She pushed her eyebrows together and frowned, she patted the bed like saying come sit down. I walk over and looked at her computer screen, it was a video that Nash and the boys did trying to think of a video to do. I watched it with her and I could feel the heat rise to my face, my face got real red.

"You do know something?!" She looked at me with wide eyes "Torrey no I don't!" I said and ran out of the room. "Mom need any help?" I asked "No! You need to go get ready!"

I walked up stairs and put on my dress, I showered the night before so I could have my aunt do my hair, we were having a backyard wedding and I was a bridesmaid. I went to the back yard and went to the garage that we made into a guest house. Every girl was in there getting their makeup and hair done.


I was finally ready and I had to go greet people, I was sitting on our porch and saw a van that I have seen before. I stood up and they went past our house, I started to walk back to the back yard and looked over my shoulder to look back at it and brushed it off.

It was time for the wedding, I had no idea who was walking with me down the isle, we were all lined up and someone tapped me on the shoulder and said "So you ready?" I looked over and it was Hayes. I put my hands over my mouth "Oh my gosh this is not happening, no no this can't be!" He hugged me and I wrapped my arms around his neck "I missed you so much hayes!" He smiled at me "I missed you more Rae Rae." I pushed his hair back "And your new hair cut! I love it!!" He smiled at me and then they started the piano playing.

After the ceremony I walked back down the isle with Hayes and I turned around the bushes and there stood Elizabeth, Johnnie, Will, and Skylynn. I ran up to them and hugged them all and picked up sky "We are missing one but he wanted us to give you this." Skylynn said giving me a envelope and I just sat it on the table for now and gave skylynn a kiss on her forehead "Thank you miss skylynn." And she started to giggle.

I then heard someone behind me whisper "Oh.. My.. God." I turned around and it was Torrey. "I KNEW IT!" I started to laugh "You did know who they were!" Hayes just looked at her and said "Yeah she knows alllott about them." He said and winked at me, I punched him "Torrey I never told you but in North Carolina I lived next door to Nash and we dated." I could have swore her mouth dropped to the ground.

The rest of the night was filled with explaining everything to Torrey, taking pictures with Tyler and Laniey, my mom had the photographer take pictures of Hayes, Will, Sky, and I all together, and just having fun.

We were cleaning up and I found the envelope Nash sent me. I went upstairs took a shower and then read the letter, to sum it up it was how much he missed me and he was sorry he couldn't be there. I decide to call him and catch up. We must have really missed each other because 3 hours later I was hanging up the phone and going to sleep with that blue eyed babe on my mind..


Ahh! Finally the sequel! (:

Hope you liked it!

Updates will be:

Friday Saturday or Sundays!

Which ever I choose

Love you 💋


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