F stands for Febuary

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It was now February, and closer to Valentines day. Tonight Nash and I were going on a much needed date and he said he had a surprise for me. I was reading my new book I recently got when I heard a scream come from the kitchen. I threw my book on my bed and rand down stairs.

"GET IT OUT GET THIS THING OUT OF MY HOUSE!" My mom was running around the kitchen, as my dad was over on the couch laughing off the couch. "RENAE HELP ME GET THIS BIRD!!!" There was a bird flying around our kitchen, I opened the patio door and my mom had a broom in her hand pushing the bird out the door, I shut the door once the bird was outside.

"OH MY GOSH HAHAHA!!!" I laughed as I fell to the ground. "That wasn't funny Renae Eliza!" My mom put her hands on her hips looking down at me. "Honey it was pretty funny!" My dad said walking to my mom and kissing her cheek. "Gotta go my lovely ladies, see you tonight." My dad said after kissing my mom and then kissing my cheek and walking to the door. "Have fun at work daddy! Love you!!" "Love you too!" He said walking out the door.

"So what's your plans today mom?" I said sitting on the bar stool. "Um, I was going to go to the mall, wanna tag along?" She asked me "Yeah, sure, I just have to be back by 3, I have a date." I said hearing the phone ring, I ran to the phone and answered it. "Hello?" "Renae! It's Laniey! I was wondering if you were busy?" She asked "Hi! And not really, I'm going to the mall with mom and then I am going on a date with Nash at 6, why?" I asked "Do you mind taking Noah along? I have a business call and Ty is at work, it would help me out a bunch!"

I thought about for a little bit, Noah was 3 months old, but all he would do is stay in a stroller, so he would be fine. "Yeah, of course!" I said to Lainey "Great! I'll bring him over in like 5 minutes!" She hung up the phone and I went upstairs and got ready, I decided what I was wearing to the mall I would just wear on my date with Nash, I put on my black and red checkered dress, with a tan sweater and a white scarf. I also paired it with brown ankle boots.

I got my purse and phone, I walked down stairs and heard a baby giggling. Noah. "Noaaahhhh!" I sing-said as I skipped down the steps, I smiled at him and picked him up. "Renae thank you so much for watching him for me." Laniey said giving me a side hug, "Anything for my sister-in-law!" I said. We talked to Laniey for a little and then she headed back to her house across the street, when she left we went to the mall.

We got to the mall and went to aeropastal, my favorite store. My mom then went to some stores and we went to lunch. When we got home, Nash was waiting for me in the living room. With Nash being on online school now, and I'm at public school, we don't see each other too often.

"Hey beautiful." Nash said walking up and kissing my forehead, "Hey stranger." I responded back, giving him a hug. "Wanna hang out here for awhile?" I asked, it was only 3, and the movie doesn't start till 6. "Sure, wanna go to the tree house?" Nash smiled like a little kid "Okay.." I rolled my eyes and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek "Bye mom, I'm going to hang out with Nash!"

"Wait! Take Noah back to Laniey, tell your brother I said hi!" I picked up Noah and walked out the door yelling back a okay. "Nash can you get his stroller for me please?" "Anything for you my love." I stopped in my tracks "What has gotten into you today?" I laughed "Psh what do you mean?" Nash said smirking

"Really Nash?" I laughed and he nodded and ran to Tyler and Laniey's house. "NAAASSSHH! Come baaaccckkk!" I whined walking towards Nash since I wasn't able to run with Noah. "Hehehe" I heard Noah giggle as I picked up my walking pace a little. We dropped off Noah and Nash grabbed my hand and started to run to the back yard. "Lets make a video!" Nash cheered, "Haha okay!"

It seemed to me that when I was with him I always was happy, laughing, and genially happy. I loved Nash. I really did love him. "HEY GUYS! Nash and Renae here!" I heard pulling me out of my thoughts, I jumped a little "Why so jumpy babe?" Nash smiled like a little kid, once again. We kinda just messed around and didn't really do a video, and we just sat and talked about different stories.

We decided to just go to the beach and have dinner at our favorite hometown diner, when we got to the beach we held hands and walked along the shore, talking about life, and our dreams. Hopes for the future and our relationship.

"Renae, I have been keeping a surprise from you for awhile and I think right now is the best time to tell you!" Nash became exited, "Okay! Tell me!" I cheered. "I know how you have always wanted to go here, and we aren't going just for the event, we are going for a month!" Nash kept smiling "Okay! I get the picture! Just tell me!" I cheered.

"WE ARE GOING TO PLAYLIST LIVE! We are going to stay in Florida till a couple days after valentines day!" "OH MY GOSH NO WAY IM SO EXITED THANK YOU BABE!!!!!" I jumped up and hugged Nash and he kissed me and we hugged each other. "So are you exited?!" Nash asked "Beyond exited!" I smiled.


I CAN'T BELIEVE PLAYLIST LIVE IS COMING UP... And I don't get to even go... I wanna put that on my bucket list, to go to playlist live, or better yet vidcon!

I hope y'all liked my chapter I'm going to start a song of the week so


Break the distance by Ashton Edminster < I think that's how you spell it lol

I love you guys 🌃

xo Kaycee Renae 💋

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