N.C. Bound feat. Nash

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It was a week after the kiss. Things weren't awkward at all, actually Nash and I have gotten to talk more.

Today I was going back to North Carolina with the Grier & Floyd's. First I was going to go tell Samantha and Luke goodbye, we haven't really talked to each other while I was here because I was doing online school.

I had to walk, since we sold my car. My car was actually a extra car we kept here and my dad wanted me driving so I used it. Sam's house was not too far from the house here and I knew Luke would be over there because they are still together. And cute as ever!

When I got to sam's house they were outside with balloons and Luke had a box.

"Renae!" Samantha ran towards me and gave me a big hug. "What are the balloons for?" I asked and giggled a little.

She pulled a picture out of her pocket and it was a picture of us holding balloons when we were probably 13 or 14 which would have been two or three years ago. "I remember this!!" I practically screamed. She nodded her head in excitement.

It was a picture we took and edited. We were just really board so we were like 'Hey lets take pictures!' I had thought of the idea, we got balloons and went behind her house, she held the balloons out in the wind and I grabbed her hand while her brother Gregory took the picture.

"We are going to reenact this picture, kinda." She smiled and pulled out her polaroid camera, Luke stood away from us with the camera and we took two pictures.

We then let go of the balloons and took pictures of them. Luke then gave me the box, it was medium sized and painted purple and white with a pink ribbon around it.

"Don't open it until you get to North Carolina! When you are about to open it call us!" Luke said and gave me a big hug. I could feel the tears coming on because this was really it. The last time I see two of my best friends for a long time.

I stepped away from Luke and looked into my eyes "Don't forget us brownie." He said and ruffled my hair. Ever since we were little Sam was blondie, I was brownie because we always called Luke, Lukie. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and stepped over to Sam.

She looked at me and shook her head laughing. "Do you remember the first time we met Luke?" We both started to crack up. "You know I don't think I have ever seen chocolate milk and orange juice come out of someone's nose at the same time."

We both started laughing so hard out sides hurt, I started to cry happy tears remembering that time.


"What did you bring for lunch Sam?" "Peanut butter an-"

"Hello ladies!!" I turned to look at Sam but she was already looking at me, and then we looked back at the kid.

"Wanna see a magic trick?" He then drank orange juice and chocolate milk at the same time and Sam must have gave him a funny look cause next thing I knew here was snot and milk, juice everywhere! And that's how the 3 of us became best friends.

~End of Flashback~

"Hey I had to make friends some how!" Luke interrupted our laughing. We all stopped laughing when my phone went off.

"It's my mom. She wants me home." I said in a sad voice. I hugged Luke first and then went over to Samantha "Come see me sometime, anytime." She nodded "I'm gonna miss you." We both started to cry, hugging each other was the only thing we could do.

We stopped hugging and then the three of us group hugged. I backed away and waved to them with tears in my eyes.


I was getting ready to leave, my room was empty, I was sad to leave my home town and my friends but none of my family lived here anymore. I hugged goodbyes to my parents and my brother, Lainey and Noah too.

"We will be there in 1 week." My mom said with a smile, I nodded and waved by to everyone, got in the car and got buckled.

We had been in the car for about and hour just watching a movie with Skylynn. We were watching frozen, i heard Nash and Hayes fighting in the back and the I felt someone tap my shoulder, I turned around and it was hayes.

"Will you switch me spots?" Hayes asked and I nodded. We were in the mini van. Elizabeth was driving, the passenger seat had Elizabeth's purse and just extra bags, the seat behind the driver seat Skylynn was sitting in, I was sitting behind the passenger seat and then the two boys were in the back.

I unbuckled and so did hayes on the count of three we switched. I jumped in the back and felt someone's hands on my hips, I turned to look at Nash "Sorry I didn't want you to fall." He gave me a cheesy grin, "Sure you didn't." I said sarcastically.

The car ride was soooo long, we finally stopped in West Virginia at a gas station. I got out of the car and unbuckled sky. Elizabeth gave Nash money for the 4 of us to get snacks and drinks. I carried skylynn inside and put her down "Pick out whatever." Nash said and she ran off.

Nash and I just kinda moseyed around. Nash grabbed my hand after walking around a little more.

"Renae, I need to ask you something." I looked up at him and nodded "okay, what is it?" I asked he smiled and said "I have missed you SO much and I don't think I can live another day without you still being my girl friend. And I just.. I just need to know..." His voice trailed off.

"Nash." I said and he looked at me with a shocked look.

"Yes I will be your girlfriend." I said and he smiled so big. He kissed my cheek and then sky ran over to us. "Come on slow poles hurry it up!" We both laughed at her and Nash grabbed 2 Arizona green teas and a big bag of chips for us to split. We payed for everything, and got in the car.

Not long after I fell asleep.


Happy early thanksgiving everyone! Love you guys lots😘

Xo Kaycee🐚



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