👻The Ghost of His Past👻

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Ranveer's Point of View:

i immediately rushed out of the room, closely followed by Devika. of course. the kitchen was on fire and Mr. scientist was still not awake. 

"Devika, move out! i am coming with him.", i said and rushed towards the armchair. 

"sir wake up! sir!", i said as i leaned closer to him. just then i felt my blood go cold as i suddenly noticed the blood on the brown arm on the chair. i gulped nervously as the warm smoke was around the whole house. i slowly lifted his head to discover the deep wound on his head and the flowing blood. 

he was dead.

immediately moved away. i immediately ran out of the room and out of the house to find Devika looking at me in horror.

"where is he?". she asked hastily as i walked down to her.

"dead.", i said holding her hand quickly. 

"someone much dangerous than our assumptions is here. we need to get out of here as fast as possible. come on.", i said as we ran away from the burning  house deeper into the woods. 

"but where are we going?!", Devika asked frantically. 

"i have no idea!", i replied as we ran. 

just then we heard the sound of leaves rustling. it was quite calm an atmosphere. 

i paused pulling Devika closer to myself. 

"who is there?! you coward! come out if you have the guts!", i shouted as slowly a dark figure emerged. all that was there was the slight moonlight and the yellowish flame of the fire which was at a safe distance now. 

"you think i am a coward gangster king?", the voice said. i seemed to have heard it previously. 

just then Devika spoke standing as still as a statue. 

"Randhir..", she whispered.

"my beloved knows me.", he said with a going or pleasure in the grave deep voice. he sounded cruel by default. 

"as if i have a choice.", Devika shot back bitterly. 

""true. after all, it is time for you to return to me. your so called husband is going to be dead tonight and you will have no where to go.", he said coldly.

"and you are over confident, Mr. Randhir Sharma.", i said. i still could not see his face in the dark but i knew it was not someone i would be happy to see. 

"ah! i know i sound so but i am genuine about what i am saying. i will not lie to you mister. trust me with that.", he said in a wicked tone. 

i moved away from Devika who allowed me to very reluctantly. 

"being with it.", i said, my tone threatening. 

he pulled out his gun and calmly placed it on my chest. 

"now, before you do anything else i need to tell you something.", he said and paused coming closer to me. in the dim light his face slowly became clearly. 

horror ran down my spine. 

his eyes were hazel, his smile cruel and very similar to my so - called father. i could easily relate him to Meera. 

"reminds you of someone?", he said, his voice not beyond a whisper. 

i stood still, dumbstruck. 

"i will give the answer to a few of your questions tonight before i slaughter you. the first one being, why did dad go into a relationship. with another women leaving your mother.", he said in a passive aggressive tone. i could feel his cold fury. 

"who are you?", i asked looking straight into his eyes. 

"your step brother if you want to call it that way. and trust me, this is fist and last meeting because you will be dead after this.", his thin mouth curved into a cruel smile. 

I  hope you enjoy don't forget to comment and vote share your thoughts have a good night or day see you on the next chapter bye kisses.      

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