🙈The Guest🙊

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Ranveer's Point of View:

Devika drew a deep breath.

"does that hurt anymore?", she said lightly touching the bullet scar which was still very evident.

"not when you touch it.", I said smirking.

"I did not know that the Gangster King could be such a cheesy man.", she said looking up to me, leaving my scar alone.

"ah! you don't know me well enough, queen.", I said slipping my hand behind her back, under her t-shirt. her back felt smooth as I reached up to the hook of her bra.

"you know your ways..", she whispered with a mischievous grin as she stood up, placing her hand at the back of my neck.

"that I do, queen.", i said smirking wildly.

she stood on her toes as she drew me into a deep kiss. I realized how I longed for her kiss in the last ten months. we parted after what seemed ages.

"liked it?", she asked as I opened the hook.

"loved it..", my voice trailed off as I pulled her into another kiss.

"you lost me, don't you?", she asked as I lifted her off the ground back onto the bed.

"yes. don't you?", I said as I came on top off her. I started kissing her neck lightly, her smell was too enchanting to resist.

"oh! that I do.", she whispered.

I woke up as the sunlight fell on my face. I looked at my side to find Devika gone. she had very cozily slept close to me, resting her head on my chest and asking a billion times if the wound hurt. I immediately sat up.

what on earth was she?

I immediately clothed myself into my t-shirt and shorts and got out of my room, down the stairs. no one to be found.

"Devika!", I shouted her name but no response came.

my throat went dry. she was having pain in her leg and now she was no where to be found. a strange fear seeped into me as I felt my breath ached. I looked around frantically calling her name.

as I stood, completely exhausted in the hall I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist from behind. the touch suddenly calmed me as she rested her hand on my drumming heart.

"you nearly killed me.", I whispered as Devika rested her head on my back.

"you will not believe but you look absolutely amazing when you fret for me.", she whispered as my senses calmed.

"I thought you were not there..", I said feeling my voice crack.

she slowly turned me towards herself with a soft smile.

she placed her hand on my cheek.

"I am not leaving you and I am not going.. anywhere..", she whispered, her voice as smooth as chocolate.

"who plays such jokes early in the morning?", I asked trying to sound annoyed although it was more loving.

"my Gangster King, I like annoying you at times.", she said with a giggles.

"you seem to have forgotten our initial days. you were so scared of me.", I said with a smirk.

"oh! please. just don't talk about that. it was bad. anyways.. I have breakfast ready, come on.", saying so she took me back into the kitchen.

I stood shocked for a while. Sana, her chirpy friend stood with a smile.

"you?!", I blurted out getting an annoyed look from Devika.

"she called me this morning and I thought of calling her here. she cooks really well, my cooking is real bad.", Devika said going and standing beside her.

"and Randhir?", I asked.

" I told him that I was going to meet my parents.", Sana said with a wink.

"and you must have given her the idea of scaring me to death.", I said sounding annoyed.

"exactly. you know everything, isn't it?", she said giggling.

"how can I not.", I said with a sigh.

little did i know that

this guest was going to be my ruin.

I hope you enjoy it ir like share your thoughts or opinions about the characters or the book don't forget to comment and vote see you on the next chapter have a good day or night kisses bye 😘😘

stay cool ya'll 😎

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