😍"I Am Never Leaving You"😍

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Devika's Point of View:

i got ready in my favorite t- shirt and black jeans, with more lipstick than required.

happiness could do weird things to you, i thought as i walked out of the mansion. i was walking down to the park.

the darkness had descended and the moon was up there, lighting up the horizon. as i walked everyone looked at me in awe as i kept my attitude of heroine and walked into the dimly lit park.

Ranveer was sitting on a seat beside the lake looking at the water body as if lost in thoughts. i walked up to him and slowly placed a hand on his shoulder. he looked back at me with a start.

"oh! you are there.", he said slowly bringing his composure back. his eyes looked moist but i did not ask him why. somethings should be kept for the right time.

"now, tell me how did you escape?", i ask as i sat beside him on the wooden seat. Ranveer looked at me with a smile and then looked up at the soothing moon.

he began continuously gazing up there,

"after Randhir had shot me i, Vinod had rescued me. just like Randhir, even he was searching for me and fortunately he reached me before i died. i was in the hospital for about a month or so. i had gone into coma for a week.", he said all that emotionlessly. just the way we used to say 'myself' at school, in our junior classes.

"went i woke up Vinod informed me about all that had happened and i decided to do something. i decided to come in a disguise and get you and my mansion out of Randhir's hands. the story after that is quite known to you. i changed my style of speaking and everything, that's it.", he said still gazing up at the moon.

he seemed too disinterested to say anything else.

i shook him slightly as he looked back at me.

"yes?", he asked.

"you did nothing in the last eight or nine months when you were in your senses? that cannot be.", i said interested.

"no. not really.", he said. i knew he was lying. he was hiding a lot of things.

"fine.", i said giving up. i knew he would say no more.

"Ranveer, maybe i can help you. tell me what is it.", i said changing my tone of concern. he looked at me. as it helpless.

"you cannot. no one can.", he said as if irritated of his life.

"at least tell me..", i pleaded.

he drew in a sharp breath.

"you don't need to know everything.", he said, his tone changing immediately. as i felt temper rise.

"then who asked you to wait for me?! did i!no! you could hear he with Randhir and be happy!", he shot back at me irritably.

as you like it!", i shouted at him knowing i was doing a mistake.

i stood up and turned to leave. i walked out of the park but i suddenly paused.

i was doing a mistake.

if i left him today, i might lose him forever.

i immediately traced my steps back into the park to find his face buried in his hands. i walked up to him, making the minimal sound.

he was crying.

i immediately felt guilty. i knew he was distressed and i made him more upset. i cursed myself as i slowly placed a hand on his shoulder.

Ranveer looked at me.



"why did you come back?! go! leave me alone like everyone! go!", he shouted at me. his voice broken and his face, tear smitten.

"i am not leaving you Mr. Ranveer Pratap Singh, whatever you do. and if you ask me why? i will say - because i love you.", i said rigidly as he looked at me blankly.

I hope you like it enjoy it share your thoughts about the book or the characters don't forget to comment and vote i hope you have great day see you later bye kisses.

and i will update soon bye kisses stay cool kisses :)

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