⛱ F O R T Y - F O U R ⛱

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⛱ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 ⛱

Suddenly, my phone started ringing, I looked at the screen and I saw it was Noah, my agent, so I answered the phone.

"Good Morning, Noah!"

"Good Morning, Summer! I'm sorry I called so early."

"It's okay, I was already awake."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot you are a morning person."

I laughed.

"Yeah, but what do you need?"

"Well, I got a proposition for you."

"What kind of proposition?"

"The kind that will launch your career even more."

"Really?! Tell me everything."

"I'll, but first I want you to tell me what's going on between you and Jack."

Noah is one of my best friends followed by Mia, obviously. Mia, Noah and I went to the same high school and we all get along really well. We're the three best friends. He's also gay, by the way.

"Well, he's my boyfriend."

"And you wouldn't tell me anything? I thought we are best friends."

"Sorry, I forgot."

"Yeah, yeah... But I bet Mia knew right from the start."

I rolled my eyes.

"You're not going to make a jealous scene, are you? I thought we already past adolescence."

"Okay, okay..."

"Can I know what the proposition is?"

"Okay... The proposition is..."



- Love, Violet♡

⛱ The Surfer Girl || Jack Avery ⛱Where stories live. Discover now