Chapter 1: Flashbacks

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Chapter 1

There was a loud bang from the front entrance and I clutched my knife tighter around my hands as my heart thudded and my killer's footsteps came nearer and nearer...

Aw you wish it was that kind of story.

If only my life was that exciting. My life was as interesting as a rock. Underground. Twenty thousand feet deep.

I hope you get the point.

Sure I had friends and went out every now and then, but I wanted something big to happen in my life.

Except for a huge socials test next week of course.

I'm Hilary Sheldon, and this is the story of how I broke my promises.

Okay I know it doesn't sound that interesting or intriguing, but you won't believe all the drama in my story.

I know, you're probably thinking, or saying if you talk to yourself like I do, 'I bet it was a bunch of whiny clique girls that caused her problems in this clique story'.

But no, you won't believe how much drama this one particular boy caused me.

*Que. background music to become louder and skip to the next scene*


I quickly shoved my textbooks into my bag and ran out of the classroom, away from our socials teacher yelling about a test next week, as the bell rang, eager to get home.

It was last period at Sylvia Hights, on a sunny Friday, and I couldn't wait to get home.

I squeezed past the large crowds already starting to form, as I made my way to the parking lot where my lovely beast also known as my car was waiting for me.

"Where do you think you're going loser?"

I spun around and grinned at my best friend, Kylee Evans. She was gorgeous. She had long wavy black hair, big green eyes, and a small figure.

While Kylee had black hair, I had long dark brown wavy hair that came down just above my waist. I had bright blue eyes and slightly tanned skin.

I must sound like an egotistical byotch right now, ranting on about myself, but I just thought I should let you all know how I look so you can imagine me better in that little movie playing in your head as you're reading this. Unless you want to imagine me differently, like someone as flawless as Cheryl Cole, who I totally don't look like.

Anyways, I had known Kylee since sophomore year, when she had moved from Pittsburg. Our older brothers had both been really close and were currently attending the same University in Florida. Her parents were also very nice to me. I considered them my third parents, next to Alex's who I'll get to in a bit.

"To get high with a hitch hiker on the side of the road on the way to Texas!" I said with fake enthusiasm.

"I thought we were going to the movies." Kylee said, ignoring my sarcasm.

"Yeah but I'm broke and plus I need to pick up Jordan from scho-" I was cut off by a large boy who was several feet taller than me that had just rammed into me.

I swear it was the same impact as a red angry bull charging towards you.

I stumbled a few steps back, about to fall, when I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around my waist, saving me from landing on my butt.

I regained my balance and tried to break free from the stranger's grasp, but he didn't let go.

"Um thanks, but I think I'll live, you can let go now." I twisted my neck to see who it was, and wiped off any grateful smile off my face, since that was the last thing he deserved.

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