Tearing At The Sheets To Save My Soul...

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Hii :))


Jayy's P.O.V

I was really nervous about hanging out with Dahvie today. What if it got awkward? What of I said something mean or stupid?

Maybe I'm overreacting,  but come on! He's the guy from my dream! I wanna make a good impression.

At the end of class, (which I have with Dahvie :) ) I ran out the room and waited for Dahvie. He seems to have a wide circle of friends, he was currently talking to a boy with blonde hair and a....hair bow? .... weird. Then again I can't exactly say anything myself I mean look at me. I'm weird as fu-

"Ready to go?"

Uh his voice is perfect...

"uhh yeah...my house?" I asked.

"Yeah why not it'll be fun," he said happily. I really hope your right....

As we were walking down the hall, Dahvie suddenly stopped and smaked his forehead.

"Dammit, I need to go to my locker. Wanna come?" he said.

"Umm yeah...hey where's my sister?" I wonderd aloud.

"She's with Esther, they're pretty good friends you know, just like we will be once I get to know the sort of person you are," He smiled at me. That smile made my insides go fuzzy and funny. I liked it...hmmm...

"Oh ok she just never told me. I guess I'm just to overprotective of her," I said, the last part mainly to myself.

As we approached Dahvie's locker, I noticed the blonde guy from earlier standing near Dahvie's locker, twirling his hair in between his fingers. Once he saw Dahvie, he fixed the bow in his hair and smiled brightly. But then he saw me and his smile falterd a bit, but it came back just as bright as before.

"Hey, Luka!" Dahvie hugged the guy.

"Hey," 'Luka said in a very high pitched typical 'gay' voice. I can already tell this guy is going to be annoying.

"What are you doing here?" Dahvie asked.

"Oh nothing...just...hangin you know?" He said, fiddling with his hair at the back of his head. That's really anoying...

Dahvie's P.O.V

I wish Luka would stop doing that every time I talk to him. It's kinda annoying. But it's Luka. He's adorable.

It's so obviously he has a crush on me though,  I'm not being vain it's a fact.

"Uhh.. ok then have fun hanging I guess.."

I bent down to get to my locker when Luka grabbed Jayy and dragged him behind the wall. Dafuq?

Jayy's P.O.V

I was watching Dahvie bend down to get his stuff when Luka grabbed me and pulled me behind the wall.




I stated to panic. My breathing picked up. Luka stopped. I calmed down and sighed.

He stared at me. Then his eyes narrowed.

"Stay away from Dahvie, You little Bitch! He's mine!" he squealed the last part. I coverd my ears.

"He's aloud to have other friends you know?" I said moodily. This guys voice is going through me...

" Shuddup! I know what your up to. Just don' get to close, uhkay?" he said sickly sweet.

I stared at him.

"OKKK!!" He screamed at me.

"Right! stop squealing!" I cringed, rubbing my poor ears.

He smiled brightly. Then grabbed the ftont of my shirt, pulled me forward and before I could process what was happening,  He was kissing me.



Hii :))) Dark Dreams is on right now and I just thought perfect!! :)) if you havnt heard that song I highly suggest you go listen to it :)) Byee :))

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