All Alone I Dream Again....

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Hii :)))


Dahvie's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning to find Jayy gone and a note beside my bed. I sat up and stretched and sighed. I picked up the letter and started to read.

To Dahvie...

I left clothes in the bathroom for you. I also set your alarm so I'm sorry if it scared you. Get ready for 4:00pm I'm taking you out on a date :) be ready for 3:30.


I smiled uncontrollably. I just couldn't stop smiling at all. I kept re reading the page of letters, messily scrawled on the page. Jayy would have messy hand writing.

I looked at the clock. It was 2:10pm. Shit! I gotta get dressed! I got in the shower, got washed, then out and did my hair, my extentions and make up. I was ready by 3:40pm.... Damn....

Just then... I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to the mirror and checked myself and sprayed aswell. Then I opened the door, and Jayy was stunning. He was wearing a suit with a blue tie and he had dyed his hair blue aswell. (he looks like he does in Bad Blood cover :))) ) He was holding a single black rose which he gave to me. I was speechless.

"Come on Dahvs," Jayy took my hand and led me to his car.

"Put this on," he handed me a blindfold. Oh joy.

"Dammit I don't like surprises Jayy..." I said. I put it on anyway. He guided me into the car and put my seat belt on.

We started to drive. I think we drove for about...hmmm....2hrs??? I think...

Once we got there, I could hear and smell the beach so I knew we were at some sort of beach. I love beaches! I had tokd him that! Oh my god he actully remembered...

"Were here," he whispered, putting his arms around me. I removed the blindfold and gasped.

in the middle of the clearing we were in, there was a blanket set out with sandwiches, chips, chicolate and bread sticks. Then I noticed the petals and candles around us. it was winter so it was getting dark. I coukd see the red, pink and orange sky. It was beautiful.

"Jayy....this is...." I was speechless.

"No .... you are," he whispered in my ear. Once I got what he said, I blushed deeply and turned in his arms to kiss him. We kissed for a bit, then we sat doen and had a picnic, just watching the sun go down. This was perfect...


short I know but I just wanted to get something up :)))) vote and comment :))) byee :)))

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