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 Aurora had woken fairly early feeling great, it was confusing but Rabastan relished in the fact that his wife was starting to feel better in the mornings.

She woke up with a mission and that was getting the child's bedroom ready. Which was an odd concept, but it sent the elves running with orders to the attic and back.

His wife was standing in the middle of the room with a large sketch of what the room should be featuring. "We can hire someone for this Rory, or my mother would be beyond excited to—" Hurt flashed on her face as she looked off towards him.

"Love, I don't want you to be overworked. You should be resting." She waved it off and allowed the paper to levitate and stick to one height as she motioned to the wall. "The crib upstairs is a lil—" 

"Dated? We'll get new furniture kitten...And a paint job?" She turned back and nodded, still writing a few things down on her note pad as the elves entered and exited.

"Suppose my broomstick will be featured about our child's bed." She giggled behind her hand as she instantly shook her head.

"Maybe over the bookshelf. I don't want anything to fall on him if he has a lil spout of magic." He didn't even realize that was a hazard, which caused him to look over her plans even further.

"We can find a mobile with broomsticks and bludgers if you wish...But I kindly remember the first time you rode a broom Raba, gave your mother a heart attack." They shared one last bit of laughter before he settled it with a kiss.

"Whatever you think will fit Rory, when our son is old enough he can design it however he wishes..." She nodded along and leaned into her husbands offering hold, it was getting a little stressful on the fact that her stomach was starting to caught separating the two durning an embraced. But it was a sign of their marriage not falling apart.

"I was thinking that we have Ravenclaw and Slytherin in the room."
"And if our son is in Gryffindor?" He couldn't ignore that it was near miss on the mention of her brother but he hugged her tighter.

"Any quote?" 

"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings." He turned to his little bird and question where that steamed from.

"Me. I have my moments. But it's the question if they're going to be a chaser or a beater." She was tempting to start a little spat and it followed throughout the day, or until Narcissa had been announced downstairs.

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