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From that day forward Aurora made it her mission to figure out if Romulus was indeed a Metamorphic. But alas only Halsey seemed to have taken the liberty of showcasing different shades of her hair.

Or eyes, yet either parent believed that she had an easier time with her hair than anything else.

From there it was far too easy to start teaching the kids colors, as one sound would pop into Halsey's little noggin and stay planted with a memory of what color. She knew from then on that her daughter would indeed love to have long hair when she finally does learn to control this ability.

On the other hand, she caught her husband reading that book in front of her at all times, and when he would catch her gaze or cock a smirk, it would rally on his face while Aurora would turn beet red.

She shared what she wanted to try, and now her husband knew...Hopefully this won't end up as anxiety-ridden as their wedding night.
But it was getting fairly close on her end.

Clarissa was beyond ecstatic to take the kids for a few days, but Rory was not only nervous for France. But leaving her munchkins?

She gained little intel about raids and future plans, but she hadn't seen the Dark Lord in months. And honestly it gave her so much clarity...Though she didn't know Regulus' involvement just yet.

That was a conversation for another day.

On another end, Amelia confessed to trying for a child, and Aurora couldn't have been any happier. As having a child in the same year as a friend?

Perfect. It'd be perfect.

And after the venture to France, either had been in a mess to pick up their children from Senior Lestrange estate. Rabastan hadn't realized how much he missed his kids, or how much they would miss him.

It had always just been Rory who missed him, and of course his own parents when he was away at Hogwarts or hadn't visited in awhile, but this was different, this was new territory in which his daughter wanted to cuddle with him and only him.

"Papa's girl...I think that's a little fitting." Aurora teased, and now he began to understand the likes of what his wife has with her father.

His little bundle of rainbow-colored hair was indeed getting attention, but it was still a waiting game to see if Romulus can figure out how to enact it. Usually it was tied to emotions like the rest of their nexus magic.

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