[Completed] Book Two
Following Aurora's graduation from Hogwarts, she was reminded once more that Immer Rein had not expired so simply. If anything it had been demanded almost immediately as soon as she found herself of legal age.
After the chaotic...
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Romulus Dimitri Lestrange
|Two Weeks Left|
"Romulus! Imara! Dinner's ready, could you please set the table?" Aurora yelled through the house, and on cue had either child hurried along to fulfill their mum's request. She thought it brilliant to have them do simple chores, otherwise it was buck wild—Especially to Phoebe, that the first time Regulus had ever set a table was here in America.
"I wish we could just use our wands now, it isn't fair!" Aurora smiled down to her daughter, who held a bundle of knives and forks for the lot of them to use.
"And a handful of kiddos your age would've said the same thing, and will once they learn you've gone to Salem and received it two years early." Romulus smiled across the table to his sister, the year had flown by far too quickly to his taste, and he knew well enough that the moment of truth was going to be upon them.
Whether his mum and uncle had gotten better at hiding the truth around him, or it was simply resolved...The boy wouldn't know, not until he has a moment to seek out his Opa that following night.
Yet here they were, the six of them, surrounded by a combination of the twin's favorites. They had graduated Salem and were now moving onto Hogwarts in the fall, as it had been decided, finally.
Much to Imara's protest, as she wanted to follow most—if not all her friends from Salem to Ilvermorny. Hilariously enough, the two had gotten their letters, much like she had when she was eleven.
However the decision was in Aurora's hands, and no amount of whining or pleading was going to change her mind. Especially when allowing one would allow all.
"Mum, can we make brownies after dinner?" Aurora turned her head to see Cara returning from what she could only assume was the library. And in seeing the middle daughter, Rory had remembered suddenly that it would only be herself and Lorelei as the rest had been invited to a multitude of summer camps.
For Ronan and Cara, it's going to be their first time in this environment, while the eldest would be warmed up a bit before Hogwarts.
"Yes, and then we're going to have an early night so we can go to the Enchanted Trial. I believe we are in need of some wands at Warren and Bishop." She cheered, and Cara shivered with anticipation.