[Completed] Book Two
Following Aurora's graduation from Hogwarts, she was reminded once more that Immer Rein had not expired so simply. If anything it had been demanded almost immediately as soon as she found herself of legal age.
After the chaotic...
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Telling Aidan was a difficult task, but after the three days he remained in shock. Rory was surprised to open her front door to find him with a large stuffed bear in a sense of congratulations, but also offered his help if she was falling behind in her work for the expansion on Salem then he would aid her. Or babysit. Or cook.
When both she and Regulus made up, he laughed that Aidan would be chased away easy. Which earned him a few whackings from both his sister and girlfriend, which only reminded him that he needed to talk to Rory and his father together.
When Rory arrived home that afternoon, she was prepared for an easy night, especially with the children occupied in the main manor, her stomach showing a very healthy almost five-month swell. "Is this an intervention?" She mumbled, almost dreading to sit down with her brother and her father's painting that has been placed on one of Aurora's stands.
"Not for you at least darling, Regulus called a family meeting." Aurora snorted and placed her bag down and settled down, smirking to see that he prepped lunch and a kettle of tea for her as well.
"Suspicious, so am I making the ring or—" Regulus gawked, and it caused Aurora to roll her eyes as she took a long sip of her tea.
"Pardon me, was this supposed to be a surprise?" "Er, yes? I wanted to ask both of you for your opinions on it." The room turned silent for a moment and the Rory hummed.
"I think you should've proposed the day after you found her to be pregnant Regulus, but as it turns out America is forgiving. But I want your son to have our name." "The boy won't have the Black name anyway father, Regulus is a Blackwell here." Orion's face fell for a moment and shrugged.
"Then it's abbreviated for both him and Phoebe. As Regulus must've created prior. Now son, how about you ask the question and your sister and I will relay are thoughts." Regulus sighed a breath of relief for his father's calmness, surely his father never thought that he would marry an American, but what was the harm?
"I want to propose, I want her to know that I'm committed. But...I'm worried she won't want to." Aurora looked to her father wanting to take the lead, but she was silenced as Orion took the first approach.
"She's carrying your child Regulus, the responsibility and commitment is already there. You know our judgment, what is your true worry?" Aurora smirked as their father took her words from her downright. "That she doesn't want to get married."
"Oh please Reg, the girl loves you dearly...And coming from myself who's known her since...She's been dreaming of her wedding for a while. And if it's any suggestion, before the babe is born would be best." Fear wracked into Regulus' heart as he worried about throwing together a wedding for the sake of their son being born.