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Aurora hadn't explained a bloody thing as he watched her in awe scramble the house for everything he would need.

"You really think that faking my death will trick the Dark Lord?" Aurora smirked as she nodded along.

"Leave that to me Reg. What I need to figure out is how to contact Elizabeth." He sighed once again, he didn't want to run away. But his actions were too loud to have hidden, and running away would be the best bet.


"I went to school with her in Salem, Americans will sympathize with war—"

"I'm a criminal Rory, your husband and everyone in our lives are—" For the second time that day had his sister clamp her hand over his mouth to keep him silent.

"Reg...As much as I love you for finding your way apart from the Death Eaters, they will not hesitate to kill you. America will be perfect for you." She whispered, cupping his cheek before returning back to her desk.

"You'll need to pack a runaway trunk, I suggest you take my travel trunk and perhaps find a briefcase at home or something that will appear light." He nodded, already running through a list of what he would be taking with him and packing.

"A-and what do I do in America? Salem I mean, I won't know a bloody thing or a bloody person."

"That is why I am sending you to Liz, I already have a bank account open in the states but I'll send you money monthly...And send you with a few—" He eyed the damn draw filled with sacks of what he could only suspect to be galleons.

"Sweet Salzar you're brilliant."

"Goddess Reg, I have four children. If you honestly think my runaway plan had nothing but the title then you are surely mistaken." It took him a moment to retract what she had said.

Four children.

"Rory you're—"

"Pregnant? Yes I know, and believe me when I tell you...This is the last one. I swear to it." He smirked, something told him that wouldn't be the case.

Though when thinking of his sister's children he thought instantly to the father. Rabastan was exactly who he feared in wronging, so what was going to happen if he is pronounced dead?

"So I'm just meant to drop dead?" She nodded her head in clarification, it'll be easy to simply disguise an already dead muggle to look like Reg. Then curse him just for the effect.

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