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"See? It wasn't too difficult."

"Wasn't too difficult? Rory save me any pride, that could've gone a lot better." She didn't want to be completely rude, but she kissed his cheek and tucked the gal in further. Only to be interrupted by the door opening to Nymeria bouncing in and Romulus holding up Lori's stuffie and blanket.

"Thank you Rommy, the library is a bit of a mess...But you can read in my study or your bedroom."

"Opa said your study was brilliant, can I go see?" It was clear to Rabastan that Aurora was the little lad's idol.

Part of him wanted to be seen like that, but he also couldn't take it away from Rory when she had done everything for the children.

"Course, and then you can have some tea in your homeland...Raba, do you want to stay with Lori for a bit?" Not wanting to appose on his son would he happily stay in the company of Lori.

She kissed Lori's forehead before turning to Rabastan to kiss his cheek. "Don't be afraid to ask questions Raba, she loves questions." Ruffling his hair to the side did she continue off to see Romulus waiting outside the room with her.

"Rommy I understand why you're reserved, but you couldn't give him a bloody hug?"

"No offense mum, but all he's done so far is say thank you. That to me doesn't say much."

"He's proud of you, and that should mean a great deal to you. I understand at the moment you don't see him as a father, but remember that he helped me teach you how to walk." It was a faulty smile, especially when thought about teaching Lori how to walk.

How it took days before she was decent. But she would walk to everyone who was sitting in the circle, whether that be her siblings, cousins, aunts or uncles. It was a calm family affair.

"I like our home better in America mum."

"Have to agree with you in that, but just remember that you'll be at Hogwarts for most of the year. Otherwise you'll be here during the Holidays, more than likely reading up in your room...Which reminds me that we'll be going to the pet store soon." He had been taken back by the decree, and only questioned it when they finally managed to get to her study.

And he genuinely remembered parts of it.

"Why are we going to the pet store?"

"Did you want something else for your birthday?" The lad shook his head instantly, he'd adore a pet right now.

As Rory had called an elf to give the dedicated trunks to the kids and pass the message that she wanted them to unpack what they could, only Romulus had aided her in getting her study in order.

Especially when she had multiple meetings to get through this, and that was only in reminder as Romulus called out seeing her calendar.

"Thank you love, could you plaster it on the wall. Mummy's going to forget come time for it."
"I'll remind you." She giggled, and it only amplified when she attempted to pitch his cheeks.

"I'm going to miss my little assistant when you're off at Hogwarts."
"Uncle said I'm not going to little much longer, I'm going to be taller than you." She hummed in thought and decided to tease him.

"No, I forbid it."
"Mum I must grow taller, how else am I going to reach the tall shelf for dangerous ingredients?" It was entertaining for sure.

"Romulus...I want you to try and talk to your father, please? It would make me really happy to see everyone get along." He didn't want to disappoint his mum, she looked so worried all the time—and it only increased now that they were finally here.

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